Okay, so... I've been rewriting the jumpto code to use the new select box.
It struck me as odd that <optgroup> tags weren't being used for categories, as would be customary when trying to show two different types (categories and boards).
Of course, the reason it was done this way was for categories to be a valid target, because you can't select an optgroup, only an option.
So, I did my little rewrite with optgroups, and it just feels more natural to me, but I can't commit it without asking for opinions around here. I know the quick board access selector isn't used by a lot of people, so... to those who actually use it at least once a year:
- did you ever click a category instead of a different board? do you prefer to use the quick access to jump to the current category, or to simply click the category name in the bread crumb?
- do you think maybe I should add support for optgroup values, i.e. <optgroup value="http://website/category/" label="This is a group">? This totally wouldn't validate, but it'd only be done through JS. I don't like this solution though...
- do you like the jump box just the way it is, and are okay with the script.js file being a few dozen bytes larger to keep that...?