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Off-topic / Re: Nexus 7
« on August 17th, 2012, 09:03 PM »
I never really liked Opera Mini, will maybe at first since it compresses and down scales everything, but that was when most data packages where slow. Every site is going to have a problem with Mini because how the Opera server mangles everything when it compresses it to send it to the users device.

Now I use Opera Mobile which is a more fuller web browser that doesn't query the Opera server for compressed or lower quality data. However I rather browse with the browser set as "Desktop" so every website I view thinks it is a desktop and not mobile. When I took the screen shot I let the site detect it as mobile, but I rather not browse in that format if you know what I mean.

Can you get Opera Mobile on your device? Opera Mini just is blah.
Off-topic / Re: Nexus 7
« on August 16th, 2012, 08:15 PM »
Here are some screenshots from my device.
Off-topic / Re: Nexus 7
« on August 16th, 2012, 08:04 PM »
The pinch is controlled by the driver, which isn't hardwired in any way. :whistle:

Padding depends on the browser, Opera Mobile seems to work good for me, not the best. The best browser that renders pretty good is Dolphin IMHO, however I hate the UI.

As for fonts there isn't much, you can install more if you want. I lost count of the number of fonts I have installed on my device.

On the buttons, unlike Apple, Android devices come with a wide range of interfaces and hardware that need to be consider. See my device has Menu, Home, Back, Search, Directional Pad with Center Button, Volume Keys, Call and Hang Up.

Some of my keys are hotkeys, so if I press them in a certain sequence or together they do something else.

Dragoon is right though, every manufacturer has to do some twist to the OS. I have a custom ROM so I don't see these problems. :eheh:
Off-topic / Re: Nexus 7
« on August 11th, 2012, 08:01 AM »
Nooooooo, not Apple. :whistle:

Maybe I am bias since I have been a small part of a few Android projects. You don't see Apple or Microsoft custom ROM's. So I like my nix Android, won't go to Apple or Microsoft to pay them for the software and the device.

Android still has a ways to go, but you have to love the idea behind the code. Openness IMHO among this type of software just means allot more customization to the main OS.

Plus Microsoft is evil, they want to get vendors to start making their hardware only work with Microsoft products. That sounds familiar to Apple back in the day. :whistle:
Off-topic / Re: Game Memorial
« on August 5th, 2012, 07:48 PM »
Nice site, me too have decided to settle down more and design for myself. I am trying to move away from the traditional methods and make my own, I guess a rebel and lately my interest is what people say can't be done or stuff people are unwilling to tread. Something original, not someone else's ideas. So many like to go in the same direction and make what has been done before over and over again.

I guess this is my drive.

But a bit off topic.

Nice to see you doing something besides coding. I am sure though you are still doing stuff behind the scenes which may be more rewarding doing it for yourself  first and then contributing back to others every once in a while. Don't contribute back too often though, sometimes the stress that comes along with contributions is not well worth it.

I used to believe though if you didn't know a bit of HTML, then you have no reason to run a site in HTML. If you don't know basic PHP then you shouldn't run anything on it. If you don't know Action Script then you have no right slicing it and making it into something its not. I can go on and on with this though, from OS to Nix OSes, JAVA, VB, etc. It took me time to learn all this and I am not going to contribute to someone who hasn't taken the time to learn some basics. I can show them the way but not hold their hand and do it for them.

However I don't know if I can get used to a game site, the only games I been playing lately are on my Android, maybe you can throw a few reviews in there for it. ;)
Off-topic / Re: RegEx get id from Aeva Embed
« on August 2nd, 2012, 03:55 AM »
Ok, added your suggestion and still going.

You know I only had to modify two queries in the recent post, one for guest and one for members. The rest of the five queries already had the body loaded. That recent post query of mine is getting ugly, good thing I have it cached for quite a while.
Off-topic / Re: RegEx get id from Aeva Embed
« on August 2nd, 2012, 03:45 AM »
Just tested fully and it works.

Now it checks to see if there is a Aeva Media item in the topic and change the post image to the Aeva thumbnail. If there is no Aeva Media item in the post then it changes the thumbnail to the board thumbnail. If there is no board thumbnail it looks to see if there is a parent board thumbnail. If none then it defaults to the default thumbnail.

It also changes the open graph thumbnail. Been putting allot into this site of mine lately.
Off-topic / Re: RegEx get id from Aeva Embed
« on August 2nd, 2012, 03:39 AM »
I just tried a online one and got this, it seems to work.

Code: [Select]
if (preg_match('[smg id=([0-9]*)(.*)]', $row['first_body'], $match)) {
$row['aeva_thumb'] = $scripturl . '?action=media;sa=media;in='.$match[1].';thumb';

I think it is the same expression as yours just expressed differently I guess.
Off-topic / RegEx get id from Aeva Embed
« on August 2nd, 2012, 03:25 AM »

I am wondering how to get an id from a Aeva BBC. I just need the id and nothing more. What I want to do is pull the id from the first BBC only in a post.

Here is what I have, it works prefect but it only does ids with 3 digits, if I switch the number to 2 then two digits.
Code: [Select]
if (preg_match('[smg id=([0-9]{3})(.+)]', $row['first_body'], $match)) {
$row['aeva_thumb'] = $scripturl . '?action=media;sa=media;in='.$match[1].';thumb';

RegEx has always thrown me off. I can usually get by trying to make an expression, but I am no expert in this area.
The Pub / Re: Bloc Madness
« on August 1st, 2012, 09:53 PM »
I have that. :niark:
The Pub / Re: Bloc Madness
« on August 1st, 2012, 06:50 PM »
I don't know about 2.1, development is going ok but it is just mainly a reworked 2.0.x IMHO. I wished it could of became more but it doesn't look like it.

I wished though curve could of been put to rest but it is just being reworked into a more efficient system. There is one person who shall be nameless that fought for curves survival in 2.1, not saying any names. :whistle:

I would also like to commit more but git is just a pain and maybe that is the reason I haven't put much input into it. I rather use a SVN repo than GIT.

If anyone wants to take repercussions of what I said then go ahead, I know this isn't the private boards, just saying I wished to have seen more out of 2.1.
Quote from Arantor on July 26th, 2012, 05:18 AM
Ah, yes, a very good suggestion, semantically...
Heck, thinking about it, we could provide different default boardstate icons per board type...
Actually, I was debating going one step further. I agree that default board state icons per board type would be good, but what if we provided the option for different templates for displaying in the board index? Right now all the board types are exactly the same except for redirection boards. If we could provide facilities for templating each specific board type, some of the stuff I've wanted to do gets much simpler, and we get all sorts of neat customisation very easily (even for mods!)
That sounds good. Theme authors wouldn't be required to use them but they will be there if they decide they want that. Basically giving a little more extra power to the theme authors.

I think SMF was trying to head in this direction as you can choose different templates per board, but having different templates per area within a main template is more appealing then the mess of installing multiple templates just to use a message template from it.

Maybe even better is to split the template sections up into groups where each section of a template is selectable. Say you can release a template but it may contain a few files for the post display. Maybe these can be stored in a main template that only contains minor templates that modify little stuff and rely on a main templates CSS for styling or maybe the minor template can have its own CSS which it specifies the system to load with the main template.
I see them now, didn't realize that link there.

In any matter the layout there is not too pretty. I say just remove them, people don't use the legends anyway. If you really need to you can probably put them in a help section. Another part of SMF I try to hide.
Does anyone even look at that legend?

If it was up to me I would vote to remove the legend completely and remove the icons for some nice new icons or new done in CSS, whatever.

In any matter I always end up tearing that portion of the template out anyways. In fact I don't see those icons on the bottom of the board index here. :D
Bug reports / Re: Reply post showing as 'New'
« on July 23rd, 2012, 07:07 PM »
I am debating on removing the new icon for boards. I can see appeal of leaving them too. :whistle: