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Messages - live627
The Pub / Random question
« on September 23rd, 2013, 11:28 AM »
Is there a reason the hr separator is not below the very last post in a thread other than maybe a SMF leftover?
Archived fixes / Random patch
« on September 23rd, 2013, 06:29 AM »
Let's remove duplicate code!

Code: [Select]
/Sources/Post.php (working copy)
@@ -243,8 +243,6 @@
- $context['post_error'] = array('messages' => array());
  // See if any new replies have come along.
  if (empty($_REQUEST['msg']) && !empty($topic))
Bug reports / Re: Periodic notifications don't seem to work
« on September 23rd, 2013, 01:47 AM »
Quote from Nao on September 21st, 2013, 01:35 AM
How about triggering scheduled tasks only if the current user's language is the default..? Then at least we can avoid what happened last time.
I don't know what to say, sorry.
Bug reports / Re: Periodic notifications don't seem to work
« on September 19th, 2013, 09:18 PM »
Well, the email strings need to be moved to the EmailTemplate language file anyway, which loadEmailTemplate() loads anyway.
Bug reports / Re: Periodic notifications don't seem to work
« on September 19th, 2013, 05:15 PM »
Well, there's a part that got repeated twice in the original code (including SMF), now it's no longer the case.
You removed the hotmaill fix?
I'm thinking of loading the users per language file, and then re-loading all language files, but... Well, how am I supposed to do that..?!
$needed_language = empty($row['lngfile']) || empty($settings['userLanguage']) ? $settings['language'] : $row['lngfile'];
$emaildata = loadEmailTemplate($message_type, $replacements, $needed_language);
sendmail($row['email_address'], $emaildata['subject'], $emaildata['body']);;
Bug reports / Re: Periodic notifications don't seem to work
« on September 19th, 2013, 04:59 AM »
So I got the email this morning, but it was in French, and had no line breaks.
Development blog / Re: It only took two guys two years...
« on September 17th, 2013, 09:24 AM »
Probably a cover-up for "I'll do it later"please prove me wrong.

Ten lines isn't long.
Posted: September 17th, 2013, 09:20 AM

(almost thought that looked like cia with the letter I, but it's a L)
Development blog / Re: It only took two guys two years...
« on September 17th, 2013, 02:14 AM »
and possibly a tentative roadmap (which I believe John just requested of me ;)),
I also expected at least one reply from both you and Dragooon...
Plugins / Re: Subaccounts
« on September 17th, 2013, 01:41 AM »
Hmm... does it use as many hooks as possible?
Plugins / Re: Subaccounts
« on September 15th, 2013, 11:53 PM »
Never even started.
The Pub / Re: Not So Mixed Signals
« on September 14th, 2013, 01:32 AM »
Well, then it's simply a feature that plugin authors won't be able to use, unless live627 (or you) steps upis recruited by me and offers to fix it.
FTFY. Seems to me that that is closer to the truth. "Stepping up" implies the ability to ask to be promoted at any time at will, which doesn't work in closed "ivory tower" development projects, such as this.
Well, I did talk with Bryan (who recently resigned) about using Wedge as a basis for SMF 3.0,
Can I see pigs fly first? :P

Wedge won't become SMF 3 because it's not "just a forum". That, and mod compatibility is totally broken...
might not fit SMF's coding standards
Oh, it will. Just... not the ideology.
none of us ever tried to make a non-default theme, even just to 'see' if it would work
Oh... right....

This should be fixed as of rev 2236.

This should be fixed as of rev 2231.
I'm not well acquainted with the plugin codebase yet
Are you going to learn it, or rely on others to maintain it? I need to know what is expected of me.

Code: [Select]
/Sources/ManageLanguages.php Mon Sep  2 17:15:09 2013
@@ -447,7 +447,7 @@
  foreach ($objects as $name => $object)
  if (is_dir($name))
- $local_path = str_replace($plugin_path, '', $name) . '|';
+ $local_path = str_replace($plugin_path, '', $name) . '/';
  $lang_dirs[$plugin_id][$local_path] = $name;
whoops I hit up the wrong topic :(