This section allows you to view all posts where this member received or gave a like to.
, I'm thinking about migrating to another forum solution but did not find any working export tool.
- Create a custom field in the gallery
- Make it a checklist
- Make it required
- Make it searchable
- Edit an item, don't fill that field
- Observe errors when saving
// Add them to the form
foreach ($fields as $field)
- if ($field['type'] == 'checkbox')
+ if ($field['type'] == 'checkbox' && empty($field['searchable']))
$field['value'] = explode(', ', $field['value']);
// Options...
$value = isset($_POST['custom_field'][$field['id']]) && (is_array($_POST['custom_field'][$field['id']]) || trim($_POST['custom_field'][$field['id']]) != '') ? $_POST['custom_field'][$field['id']] : '';
+ // JTR: preparsecode() corrupts the array by converting it to a string.
+ if (isset($_POST['custom_field'][$field['id']]) && !is_array($_POST['custom_field'][$field['id']]))
- preparsecode($value);
+ preparsecode($value);
// Do the value checks
if ($field['type'] == 'checkbox')
- foreach ($value as $val)
- if (!in_array($val, $field['options']))
- fatal_error(sprintf($txt['aeva_cf_invalid'], $field['name']));
// Nothing set?
if (empty($value) && $field['required'])
fatal_error(sprintf($txt['aeva_cf_empty'], $field['name']));
elseif (empty($value))
+ foreach ($value as $val)
+ if (!in_array($val, $field['options']))
+ fatal_error(sprintf($txt['aeva_cf_invalid'], $field['name']));
// Set the proper value
$value = implode(', ', $value);
So, one of my more involved (and complex) plugins is an awards system.
o Multiple categories
o Use AeMe to manage the image, badge, w/e
o Assign multiple awards to members (duh!)
o New profile are to show awards assigned to a member
o List awards in the mini profile next to their post in a topic
o Extend the user menu with a link to show their awards
To be implemented:
o Searchable awards: new item in the search menu drop
o Opt out of an award
o Integrate into the new moderation filters
o Auto award based on post count, added to new membergroup
o Multiple categories
o Use AeMe to manage the image, badge, w/e
o Assign multiple awards to members (duh!)
o New profile are to show awards assigned to a member
o List awards in the mini profile next to their post in a topic
o Extend the user menu with a link to show their awards
To be implemented:
o Searchable awards: new item in the search menu drop
o Opt out of an award
o Integrate into the new moderation filters
o Auto award based on post count, added to new membergroup
So, one of my more involved (and complex) plugins is an awards system.
o Multiple categories
o Use AeMe to manage the image, badge, w/e
o Assign multiple awards to members (duh!)
o New profile are to show awards assigned to a member
o List awards in the mini profile next to their post in a topic
o Extend the user menu with a link to show their awards
To be implemented:
o Searchable awards: new item in the search menu drop
o Opt out of an award
o Integrate into the new moderation filters
o Auto award based on post count, added to new membergroup
o Multiple categories
o Use AeMe to manage the image, badge, w/e
o Assign multiple awards to members (duh!)
o New profile are to show awards assigned to a member
o List awards in the mini profile next to their post in a topic
o Extend the user menu with a link to show their awards
To be implemented:
o Searchable awards: new item in the search menu drop
o Opt out of an award
o Integrate into the new moderation filters
o Auto award based on post count, added to new membergroup
This plugin functions similar to a vacation responder in that it sends a PM to a user who sent a PM. The message and subject are customisable, so the auto PM can be totally unique.
Depending on certain criteria found in the incoming message, you can create different variations for auto response. This feature is very similar in nature to the PM Rules in SMF 2.
More info + purchase: http://wedge.livemods.net/index.php?action=media;sa=item;in=34
Depending on certain criteria found in the incoming message, you can create different variations for auto response. This feature is very similar in nature to the PM Rules in SMF 2.
More info + purchase: http://wedge.livemods.net/index.php?action=media;sa=item;in=34
It has a serious drinking problem.
See attachment..
See attachment..
Bottom right of post, "more"sub-menu... not very obvious.