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Check out Pete's blog for more posts on the subject eheh.
Posted: April 9th, 2011, 02:57 AM
OK, why's the logo displaying in the center? :o
There is a introduction thread but it's private, but welcome to Wedge. :)
Not a coder, former ISP owner, with a few smf sites that 'when all else fails' I jump in to rescue. Been following Nao and Pete since the crap hit the fan last year.
I like the vision of Wedge, that's why I joined. Otherwise like the flaming bird site, I never joined because I saw that there were way to many chiefs just like smf.
No good software is ever completed by committee has been my experience.
Because here is still primarily using the Noisen codebase which had a lot of blogging features added in to it, including that particular layout for images.Quote from dazed on April 9th, 2011, 03:01 AM OK, why's the logo displaying in the center? :o
Try using:instead of img.Code: [Select] [img align=left]