$input = preg_replace('`(#[^"<]*)`e', 'str_replace("~", "-", "$1")', $input);
What should I replace this line with to avoid being flooded with errors on PHP 5.5.x ? :angel: :eheh:
$input = preg_replace('`(#[^"<]*)`e', 'str_replace("~", "-", "$1")', $input);
(Aeva-Embed.php:387)Code: [Select] $input = preg_replace('`(#[^"<]*)`e', 'str_replace("~", "-", "$1")', $input);
What should I replace this line with to avoid being flooded with errors on PHP 5.5.x ? :angel: :eheh:
$input = preg_replace_callback('`(#[^"<]*)`', function ($match) { return str_replace('~', '-', $match[0]); }, $input);
Will try tonight! Thanks !! ;)
$message = preg_replace('~\[' . $tag . ']((?>[^[]|\[(?!/?' . $tag . '])|(?R))+?)\[/' . $tag . ']~ie',
"'[" . $tag . "]' . str_ireplace('[smg', '[smg', '$1') . '[/" . $tag . "]'", $message);
function ($match) use ($tag) { return '[' . $tag . ']' . str_ireplace('[smg', '[smg', $match[1]) . '[/' . $tag . ']'; }
$pattern = '~(\[' . $tag . '])((?>[^[]++|\[(?!/?+' . $tag . '])|(?R))*+)(\[/'
. $tag . '])~i';
$message = preg_replace_callback($pattern,
function ($m) {
return $m[1]
. str_ireplace('[smg', '[smg', $m[2])
. $m[3];
}, $message);
What about..Code: [Select] $pattern = '~(\[' . $tag . '])((?>[^[]++|\[(?!/?+' . $tag . '])|(?R))*+)(\[/'
. $tag . '])~i';
$message = preg_replace_callback($pattern,
function ($m) {
return $m[1]
. str_ireplace('[smg', '[smg', $m[2])
. $m[3];
}, $message);
It'll probably work, as it's close in spirit to the Wedge version.
Why didn't you simply use the one I gave you, though..? :P