@Pentaxian, it would sound silly to have a sub-sub-folder that's called 'base'.
Re: caps, last week I lowercased all of Wedge's folders, precisely for consistency. I prefer them lowercased generally. As for files, they're still named like in SMF, so that's DoneThisWay. I'm used to this. If I change anything more, I really won't be able to find my mark anymore, and I might as well switch to Elkarte, whose main problem for me is the completely different (shall I say somewhat obtuse...) folder structure. I don't want to mess with Wedge's.
Re: backend/frontend, I think that my main concern is that for years, I've advertised the fact that Pete was the backend guy, while I was the frontend guy. To me, frontend was what people were seeing when they browsed a forum (i.e. all 'public'-facing pages), while backend was the admin area. It works as a definition, but it's not the same as the new definition -- backend is all PHP files that handle requests and gather data, while frontend is all PHP, CSS and JS files that are used in the creation of the final HTML, using the data injected into them by the backend files. They're both valid definitions, I'm just concerned about the fact that I've switched from one to the other, and it doesn't make much sense to do that. On the other hand, I couldn't find anything better.
I like the word 'engine' better for Sources (rather than backend), but that leaves me with the need to find a counter-offer name for Themes (aka templates), that would not be 'frontend' (because it doesn't counter 'engine' but 'backend'), and would be sorted alphabetically after 'engine' ('exsomething'..?), but before 'javascript'... Which leaves us with words starting with F, G, H and I, and a few other words after 'ENG' and before 'JAV'.
So, basically, you all have 4 letters and a half to determine a good name for the folder that will contain *.template.php files... If you
accept this challenge... Get started now! I'll mark your test papers tomorrow.
:P If I don't get any suggestions I'm excited with, then I'll stick with backend and frontend.