
  • Posts: 88
notifications x old notification
« on April 1st, 2013, 10:50 PM »
if you x [which i assume is delete/remove] an old notification in the popup and reload the page and go to view the notification popup [even though it says there are 0 new notifications] the old notification will show up again. if you say on the page without refreshing the old notification does not reappear.

also on the wuthering theme the text for notification blends in a bit with the color of the header

also on the warm theme the flags are missing in the header as well as the notifications


  • Dadman with a boy
  • Posts: 16,080
Re: notifications x old notification
« Reply #1, on April 1st, 2013, 11:00 PM »
Please read my posts.
I said the design. is a. Work in progress.

I'm currently stuck having to watch a bad Fringe episode and can't work on this until tomorrow.

 Re mark read. They'll always show up but without the red line on the right. I'm pretty sure it'll work with likes but maybe not with mentions.


  • Posts: 88
Re: notifications x old notification
« Reply #2, on April 1st, 2013, 11:18 PM »
even if it is a work in progress, you want feedback on that right? i know i would.

so the x is marking it read? then there should be a tooltip or similar imo to explain what it is.