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Plugins / [Plugin] Notifications system (1.0)
Dragooon « on June 10th, 2012, 08:14 PM »
I thought I'd announce this before I go, anyway, I've been working on a full fledged notifications of Wedge which is meant to serve as a replacement for all the existing notification with a fully pluggable notifications system.

The system plugin by default provides no notifications, but various plugin that will come with it that provides notifications for various actions. Currently implemented features:

- Allow plugins to easily issue notifications without much hassle
- Provide the user an easy interface to view those and mark as read, currently it's displaying 5 latest unread notifications on the sidebar with an option to view all notifications. The notifications are marked as read automatically as soon as they're clicked.
- Allow individual notifiers to be disabled per user, i.e. an user can choose to not receive notification for topic replies etc.
- Allow notifiers to send e-mails for notifications, which can be disabled on a per notifier basis by the user
- Allow e-mails to be received instantly, daily or weekly (not implemented yet)

The aim of the system is to provide an easy API for plugins to notify users without having to re-implement all the features again. Plus it provides a centralized system for receiving/viewing notifications.

Notification extensions
These plugins use the notifications core to issue notifications in various events, the notifications core itself is useless. These can be used as a sample for notification extensions

ID: Dragooon:WeNotif-TopicReply

Notifies the author of a reply to their topic

ID: Dragooon:WeNotif-Quote

Notifies the author if someone has quoted their post

I'll be working on replacing the existing notifications next, by providing plugins that mimic the funcionality but work full and well with the notification system.
The Pub / Re: Getting ready for an alpha release...
Nao « on August 28th, 2012, 04:31 PM »
Quote from b4pjoe on August 26th, 2012, 09:11 PM
I know it had been mentioned of maybe an Aug. 25th release date for the Alpha version of Wedge. Did it happen and I am just missing it or is it going to be later?
You didn't miss anything...
I said it was my target date. i.e. the date after which I decided to 'freeze' the code and only focus on making an alpha release viable. (Actually, I froze the codebase a couple of weeks ago already.)
You have no idea the amount of work it requires just to have something usable for everyone...

And frankly -- I've been busy IRL. Saw my little sister for the first time in over 2 years, met my niece for the first time, was ill at some point, went to the movies (I really, really needed to see TDKR that badly, sorry for taking some time off from time to time!), and having difficulties in other areas that I won't expand on.

So, yeah, Wedge has been in the works for over 2 years now, and I'd REALLY like for a version to be out for testing.
My current schedule is:
- finish the stuff I'm still working on (it'll probably take about a week, given that I've done about 2 thirds of the work so far, in the last couple of weeks),
- package the release, publish it somewhere on the private boards,
- wait for at least 5-6 people to start testing it, wait about a week, fix any bugs that have been reported,
- and release the alpha in public. So... That should hopefully happen in September. With a personal goal to release the stable version in late 2012 (but again, it's a personal goal -- not an official schedule. Our official schedule is "When it's done", as we said about a hundred times already.)

With a huge bold red warning saying that you shan't use it in production -- only as a test. I wouldn't even recommend to create plugins or skins with it -- I don't think Pete is finished with the plugin code, and I'm reserving the right to break the skin code because it has a couple of inconsistencies and might be a bit convoluted for proper use in some areas.
Features / Re: Brave new world
TE « on March 16th, 2012, 09:17 PM »
Quote from Pandos on March 16th, 2012, 08:54 PM
but how to upgrade my forum with about 500.000 attachments in different folders?
Not really purge them in one big folder. eh? :)
500.000? I'm shocked ;) I'll add multiple attachments folder handling soon..