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Messages - Suki
Off-topic / Re: Women in the Workplace/Life
« on March 11th, 2013, 08:09 PM »
Don't complicate yourself, don't help the lady to pick up things and don't hold the door for them.

The grass is always greener on the other side.
Other software / Re: Discussing Wedge on
« on March 11th, 2013, 06:59 PM »
For anyone to be able to catch the torch, the old guard needs to let the torch go or at least understand that the torch is not a property they can manipulate at will anymore ;)

smCore is dead.
Off-topic / Re: Spirate
« on March 9th, 2013, 02:09 PM »
Oh yes, the "I didn't know" excuse was a one time valid coupon ;)
Off-topic / Re: Spirate
« on March 9th, 2013, 05:09 AM »
Actually is not like they think they are untouchable, as painful as it is to me, Latin America is way behind on copyrights and software license.  Spirate guys didn't even knew they were doing something illegal.

They are still in illegal ground since their latest version still uses SMF 1.1.x version, their site is using 2.0 but the actual script is still based on 1.1.x.
Off-topic / Re: Spirate
« on March 4th, 2013, 02:36 PM »
They were the pioneers of forking SMF!  they forked it when it years ago when it was illegal to do so :P

Yes is a modified version, mostly theme related modifications and is focused on warez sites (they call it a "sharing links" script) which are pretty common in Latin America because is a fast way to build an active community.

The are pretty good with themes but they aren't that good with source files which leads to some major flaws. But they are pretty enthusiastic about their work.
Other software / Re: Fuck the SMF project. Fuck it up its stupid ass.
« on February 23rd, 2013, 12:43 AM »
I'll find it incredible ridiculous to think any of you guys want to see SMF die. Anyone can just take a look here or at the other fork board to realize thats simply not the case.  SMF now lives in wedge and elkarte, as simple as that and is because of them that SMF is still alive.

What they fail to see is that SMF is an open source project now, this means the load doesn't have to be carried out by the team members alone...

Been open source means you are not alone anymore!
You are not isolated.

There is a whole world out there that can potentially help out...  question is, why do the SMF team tries so hard to refuse any external help?

And yes, they do not have any idea on whats gonna happen after 2.1 (and if they do, they are doing a truly remarkable job in keeping it hidden, which again, contradicts with the whole open source paradigm), why do they don't have any idea? because they pushed out the ones who had any ideas, now those ideas are been deployed outside SMF because outside SMF is the only place where you can act.

Been an open source now ain't magically fix years and years of self closed mentality.

Theres a lot of stuff that needs to be done... for instance, take away the mentality where a team member is a separate entity, almost a deity that doesn't need to interact with the rest of the community, that is just wrong.... team members were community once and still are community, there is no difference.

a lot of team members desperately need to create another account over there and see whats the forum looks like as a regular member, seriously, they have been team  members for a really long time that they had forgotten about how they started.

Where are the programs that will keep the community closer to the community?

Community customizer is dead
Support Helper of the Month is dead too.

Where are the efforts to try t get close to the community?
Where are the topics about how to get involved with git and development?

Is just as simple as saying, hey there, this is a list of things we had planned:

Thats all, thats all it needs to get people at least interested on SMF again.
I simple announcement saying SMF is now open source, some google adwords campaigns, dunno, there is a lot of things marketing can be done right now, most of them are free.

People very often goes to SMF looking for advice on how the get their community active, well, now is the perfect time for team members to apply all those advices they provided into SMF's own support site. Because people concerned about SMF ain't killing SMF, is the very own team the one that is killing it, by not caring about it, by thinking they are superior to anyone else and by taking for granted that the community will always be there for them...

Other software / Re: Discussing Wedge on
« on January 18th, 2013, 03:48 PM »
For the last bloody time... I didn't left because you shut my idea down... I left because you shut it down and provided absolutely no feedback to it...

I said 8 post ago, you said the same, the fact that the idea was shut down is clear, no misunderstandings.

And let me be clear, the ones that disagree with me (I'm talking about my experience, not Norvs), were all NPO people that shouldn't interfere with the project inner affairs. Autonomy is such an utopic concept isn't it :^^;:

If you actually had any confidence on your dev team, you will let me at least to properly present my idea to SMF team members, explain my reasons and all that stuff, that didn't happen.

Is not by coincidence or friendship the fact that Norv and I reach out practically the same goal, and I said practically because my idea wasn¿t gonna take years like Norvs, simply because it was based on an already built and fully operational framework, that along will reduce months of development.

Not only Norv had that idea.
Fustrate had the same idea. <-- he was the original person who put the framework plan on the table.
Spuds admitted that the 2.0 branch cannot be expended any longer.

So there you go, right there you have 4 devs who agreed on this, this is not sorcery or plain coincidence, it is the result of devs knowing what they are talking about, thats why they are devs.

You are throwing accusations as much as I do, you are as flawed and biased as I am, the only difference is that I am open to consider and actually listen to what the other side has to say meanwhile you are so stubborn that you simply cannot see beyond your reasoning, how many post did it take you to finally (semi) admit that you made a mistake about the replacing devs?  considering that this lines:
Quote from Kindred on January 18th, 2013, 07:02 AM
I had a suggestion a while ago but was (quite correctly) shot down because it was not actually a very good idea (see, I can admit to being wrong, it occasionally happens. :P )
Does indeed refer to that, because its vague (if not, sweet merciful Poseidon help us all!). You simply can't openly admit it, dunno why.

That many post, countless of words, just for you to accept something that was pretty obvious...   now imagine the amount of time and energy the devs will have to put for you to finally start to address their points....   is just not worth the effort, might as well start form 0 or start a fork as that would be much much easier...  oh wait, thats exactly what happen :P

BTW, devs don't need to be told how awful you guys are and stuff (nobody told me anything ;) ), they will eventually see it with their own eyes, it has happen to many before and is still going to happen for others again, until you don't fix your house you will be trapped on that loop until you ran out of naive devs and all you have left is all the bitter, sarcastic devs you left behind, I mean, you manage to screw the most wonderful thing you had in years (Spuds and ema) I'm sure it will be quite easier for you to screw some naive novice dev :D

Keep up the good work, you're doing great :cool:
Other software / Re: Discussing Wedge on
« on January 18th, 2013, 05:11 AM »
Quote from Kindred on January 18th, 2013, 02:07 AM
ummm... no, Arantor.

I certainly never said no to any idea of new development... nor did anyone else.
What we said to Suki was "OOP is all good.... but we should not stop work continuing in the 2.x line"
So, no one shut her out.   Because we disagreed with her idea to completely stop development on 2.x after the 2.1 release, she seems to have assumed that means that we rejected OOP.
IIRC, what was actually said was "we can't just stop development of 2.x while you work on a completely new design that will take years to actually release." (which, BTW: Was exactly the same argument that was presented to Norv when SHE wanted to stop all 2.x development and only work on SMC (which was, at the time planned for 2-3 years out). The statement was followed up with something along the lines of "It is all well and good to work on OOP and something new... but we can't just drop the old stuff, either"

So, yup... I SAY IT AIN'T SO... and I call BS.
Awesome, the same things I said 8 post ago are back again...  yes Kindred, you said all those things, I already said that... and when you said SMF isn't gonna survive years of development, do you remember what was my response? 

I said SMF needed to attract more devs. New external blood.
I said, cut off the requirements for contributions and don't harass the new blood.
I said the marketing team should promote SMF been finally open source...

All those things will help to cut off development a lot; that was my response to the "We cannot stop development for 2.x",  now, I wanted to keep the arguing and reach a consensus and I got nothing, you didn't even listened to my ideas, yous dismissed them altogether, you are/were so stuck with your idea for 2.1 development that it is the only thing you can see...

I was expecting something like "we can divide dev work, ones focusing on 2.x and others on 3.0" or some other idea, the point was to keep an open mind and be tolerant with the other side's ideas... but you simply don't seem to grasp that concept, It's what you want and nothing else, always what you want, all the time.

Also, why you keep saying "we" when no-one apart from you, decided to keep working on 2.x... didn't you said you aren't in charge anymore?

I don't recall any dev ever stating that they wanted to continue to keep working on 2.2 and so on... you did and decided everyone else want to do the same...  It was a decision devs should had taken and instead, you took it, you might not had said to me how or what to code but you certainly said to me what not to code which is essentially the same.

I'm utterly curios to know what else do you want for SMF, haven't you got bored already?
Other software / Re: Discussing Wedge on
« on January 17th, 2013, 09:32 PM »
Quote from Kindred on January 17th, 2013, 03:18 AM
Suki left because she didn't like what SMF was planning. She felt that all development on any 2.x should stop and all efforts be put into OOP... Others did not agree.
Eww, another misinterpretation...

..and I'm the one with language problems (when applicable of course ;) ) :whistle:

This time I will say Wrong and encourage you, Kindred, to look at my posts over there and quote here all the posts where I said exactly this line:

I'm OK with 2.1, I'm not OK with expanding it further.

The fact that I was against 2.2, 2.3 and so on, is not the whole reason why I left (nor OOP is the only thing I have on my head), I could have been working on 2.2 quite happily if that were the chosen path, but no, you guys where too busy saying No to every idea but your own... which was of course, keep working on 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, release 2.3 with only a few features and give the false impression that SMF is moving forward when in fact all 2.x is going to achieve is lost all the fanbase it got, after all, to think people is stupid enough to not realize that there is no real improvements in SMF besides minor features is seriously underestimating your fanbase, but alas, this path of keep expanding SMF 2.x branch was made by people who aren't devs, purely from a marketing perspective and with the word "survive" on their minds, If I were Unknown, I will be crying just by seen how my once proud and revolutionary project is now an empty shell of what it used to be, struggling to survive, barely breathing and whats worst, with the people in charge assuming everything is just fine and covering everything when it is pretty rotted on the inside. 

It is amusing you keep saying how wrong am I with the whole SM - SMF thing when Arantor said the exactly same things I said months ago, the very same arguments for what I was told I was so wrong...  suddenly now that Arantor had said those things, they become valid and deserves been listening to, awesome! at least now the ideas will finally get discussed.

For the record, I stated months ago that the DCO should cover all the needs the SM needs to cover.
There is no need for contributors to gain copyright of the whole script, which is what the SM org is so afraid of...
That the SM needs to simplify things for external contributors, no one will ever get near SMF if the SM requires you to give your personal info and other unneeded details.
The SM org needs to get focus on the actual project instead of trying so hard to cover their asses... if all that time and energy were put to promote the fact that SMF is now an open source project... :whistle:
Fear is what drives the SM org, fear and fear only.
Fear of losing their beloved possessions...
Fear to go out of the shell, the ever comforting shell where they created their little universe and rule overall. While the rest of the world moves forward, the shell is just there, slowly consuming its own resources, too proud to ask for help, too narrow to see the little help that someone can possible offer.
Quote from Arantor on January 17th, 2013, 04:03 AM
Suki left because there seems to have been some kind of shutting out going on. When you get to the stage where people stop listening to what you have to say because it's you saying it, you're being shut out - and that is one form of not having your say in how things are run, especially with what you make.
Exactly, I'm pretty sure there are people who actually read my comments with a predefined, hollywood latino accent, it is pretty frustrating having to deal with people that have already a preconceived mindset towards you, if I don't agree with somebody, it is automatically assumed its a language barrier, when people read my posts, they don't look at the content but look for the grammar error, the weird punctuation, the lack of verbs, etc and gets focused on that instead of focusing on the actual content.

Sometimes I wish I never posted on the Spanish boards, that way people won't have that preconceived mindset, not only do I have to struggle to get my ideas reach anyone but I also have to deal with all the walls they put in front of me.
Quote from emanuele on January 17th, 2013, 05:45 PM
I can't speak for the others. For what I'm concerned I didn't even thought of inform anyone...
This was out of pure courtesy really, but is not only that.

I constantly read about chats between you and Spuds regarding 2.1, I used to enter IRC and having my msn always open as much as possible, yes I talked to you fairly often but it was never in a "working environment", it was always as plain casual chatting. The same with Norv and IchBin.

I never ever talked to Spuds, I had his msn address but he was never on it (this also goes for other team members as well), dunno if he use another IM system.

Anyway, 2.1 development passed just in front of me like a train with no way to get up, I mean, yes I could have sent lots of pull requests I made completely blinded, dunno if that would helped that much, after all, you guys seemed to work just fine together.
Quote from emanuele on January 17th, 2013, 05:45 PM
but you decided to start coding a forum from scratch
Is not like I want to do it that much... If the corp guys doesn't want me and the dev guys doesn't want me either, what am I suppose to do? where should I put all the feelings and ideas I have for SMF? I cannot just dismiss them and start doing something else.

Working on a new software is just my way and solution to deal with all of this, nothing more, I'm not gonna start a raging campaign against SMF claiming I'm the one and only SMF messiah, unique holder of the true, nor do I want to be target of attacks by people just because I left SMF, which is why I registered here mainly, to at least be able to tell my version.

If I think I have a feasible idea, an idea that was developed taking all things into account (and not only the marketing side or the "surviving" side), and idea that is flexible enough to fit all the SMF needs, and idea that will serve not only for the current time being but for cementing a base too, I have all the right to pursue that idea, even if it leads to nowhere (because the idea was conceived for a team and not a single person), at least I tried and I have no regrets.
Other software / Re: Discussing Wedge on
« on January 12th, 2013, 02:26 PM »
Quote from Kindred on January 12th, 2013, 08:06 AM
Hmmm... We'll have to disagree on your commentary of cursing. ;)
I have studied etymology, not sociology, but it shows a somewhat different perception.

as for what you have  misunderstood...
Well, you accused me of telling you that you were wrong all the time, of calling you a poison personality and several other things...  None of which I actually did. The only time, that I can recall saying that oh were wrong, consistently, was when you had commentary on the org versus project.
Oh yes, and you basically said that devs leaving SMF is all my fault, because I demand control over them...  Which is also untrue.
Hmmm... What else? Oh... That i perceive a grudge when people disagree with me.

Did I miss any of your accusations?
Basically, you seem to have a very bizarre and mistaken view of me.
I never said devs left because of you...  I stated my reasons, my personal own reasons, not the entire dev team ones...
One of my reasons is you (and the other one who curse every 2 words) wanting to keep expanding the old 2.0 branch... and release minor releases every X months to keep people happy and SMF barely alive... isn't that true?

You were the only 2 people who stud against my idea, both of you didn't actually had any kind of power within SMF directions, you aren't in the steering committee and the other one isn't even a SMF team member, he is on servers team, an organizational team with no powers over SMF the project. There were other people who didn't like my idea (Motoko for example), all of them aren't team members either but NPO members and yet they manage to have enough authority to decide the direction of a project that was promised autonomy. :^^;:

Not a single truly SMF team member (you know, the ones who can actually say they disagree with me) even had the chance to comment on my ideas...

As for the poisonous comment,
I was one of the devs that raised hell back then and you said you wanted to remove those, it is only natural to assume I was included on those poisonous people, and yes, don't lie, you actually said "poisonous" your actual words, not invented by me, don't sugarcoated your words just because this is a public board please.

Please do quote my first response on that topic, the one where I said I won't comment on the actual idea of replacing people like cattle (because I thought it was a monstrosity) and instead gave you ideas on how to attract new blood. All those ideas were simply dismissed...

I also said your actions and opinions drove SMF into the undead state it currently is right now, not completely dead but not alive either. Can hardly labeled that as an accusation when all you need to do is go to the smf github page and see the empty 3.0 repo, the lack of external people really interested on commit code to SMF and the lack off devs reviewing the few commits (oh how much are you gonna miss Ema!) every now and then people directly or indirectly related to SMF occasionally send.

And no, I don't have any opinion of you as a person.
Other software / Re: Discussing Wedge on
« on January 12th, 2013, 07:55 AM »
Quote from live627 on January 12th, 2013, 07:48 AM
* live627 wants his time back which was wasted by reading this thread.
Took me .1 seconds to read yours, we are even now.

In resume, Kindred, all possible examples you might want to give can be applied where I live too, can be applied on Kamchatka peninsula, Nigeria or Japan... doesn't matter... sure, every culture has it's own way to define where cursing is acceptable, but all of them has a common ground, a ground that can be traced back to the very first languages and the need to express yourself.

Anyhow, I did asked what exactly did I misunderstood, I got no response. :^^;:
Other software / Re: Discussing Wedge on
« on January 12th, 2013, 07:41 AM »


Every culture has its own way of cursing, your cursing might be different from mine or from the Japanese people but it is cursing nonetheless.

I curse when talking with my friends.
I do not curse when talking with someone at work.

I'm pretty sure you do the same.
The same curse I use here don't have any effect on people from a different state or they will be shocked and dismayed too... the same example you provide works here too.

Me refusing to curse has nothing to do with language manners in a workplace, and I too use cursing as a way to make emphasis just the same as you, I deliberately don't curse when posting because I see no need to make emphasis for my words via cursing.
Other software / Re: Discussing Wedge on
« on January 12th, 2013, 07:21 AM »
Also, the curse words are another cultural thing.  I am a new englander american. We use curse words as emphasis, as commentary and to express incredulity...   it's a part of our culture up here. I actually use such much more in spoken conversations than in written (as do most of my associates). Thus reinforcing my belief that there has to be a cultural gap here...
I'm sorry, but cursing is an universal thing, I'm surrounded by people who can only speak while cursing every 2 words, the fact that I chose not to curse doesn't mean all the people in my country do the same... and as a sociologist I'm pretty aware of that, thank you very much.
Yup... I btought up the corp versus project stuff because THAT was the stuff which you posted on that I commented on. I had no opinion on your other stuff and thus did not post.
I didn't ask for your opinion, I asked if you understood me (assuming you did read any of those topics). I used all of those to make an example (to demonstrate the language barrier card only comes out when arguing) and yet you misunderstood me completely... awesome!
Well, because you so consistantly misinterpret what I say that it is either willful or just because you are not understanding what I am saying.
I'm sorry, what part exactly did I misunderstood?
and you might note that the past few posts, Arantor and I have been saying the exact same thing. SMF needs two solid, strong leaders. one for dev and one as PM.
So? everyone knows that... the key is how to get those 2 people and how you (you as in you guys, not you as singular) had those 2 people (2 devs) and now they are gone.

Again, not my business, now that I explained why I left (you did understood that right?), I have nothing to do here or at  for that matter.
Other software / Re: Discussing Wedge on
« on January 12th, 2013, 06:53 AM »
Suki, I think you have misunderstood... and I guess the only thing I can point a finger at would be a language/cultural barrier.
No. And please do not use that lame excuse.

I find it amusing that the "language barrier" card only comes out when arguing, never on other instances, for example, you did understood my plans for 3.0 right? yo did understood my plans for the mod development boards program right?  you did understood when I created the cust team leader open candidatures right? you did understood all my ideas for the new cust site right? all the people who I offer support to, all the mod authors I exchange pms to, none of them ever told me anything...   I guess they are all equally bad as me...

How come now suddenly my understanding of English language become so low that I wrongly interpret everything you write?  I  fail to realize that... must be a language/culture barrier LOL

You were the one who said I had a grudge against you... not I. I have no grudge against anyone.
You are the one who keeps bringing the corp - project issue when I haven't said anything about it.
To the best of my knowledge, the majority of my "you are wrong" statements were because you kept confusing the project with the organization.
Put that aside please, you are the only one who had mentioned that. Do focus on why didn't you provided any constructive criticism for my ideas for SMF 3.0... that was an "interteam crap" and yet you were soo stubborn and soo participative... it somehow doesn't match with what you said: " I have pretty much stayed out of interteam crap."  ;)

You keep avoiding the bullet, the issue is not the silly misunderstandings or if devs are divas or not... the issue is SMF is headless and has absolutely no future, there will always be divas and there will always be misunderstandings, you keep giving too much attention to those little details hoping that the bigger ones will magically disappear.

I don't need to curse to bring any force to my words... my words alone are strong enough to stand for their own.

But alas... it is all a language/culture issue... there you go, problem solved... now if you excuse me, I got a movie to watch before going to bed.
Other software / Re: Discussing Wedge on
« on January 12th, 2013, 06:06 AM »
Yes you act as someone in charge... you were one of only two people who blatantly rejected all my ideas... even though you aren't on the steering committee. You push your way of thinking on others... and if there is someone who happens to stand against it, you don't like it and push more aggressively. Thats the "grudge" against you... What Kindred says it gets done...

What attitude do I have?  didn't I told you gazillion of times that I didn't mind to work for the team?
Didn't I heard all your "you are wrong" responses and provided alternatives?

Who is the stubborn? I told my ideas, you told me that smf didn't survive... I then took your advice and provide alternatives... but you didn't provide any alternatives to my advices....  just a "you're wrong"... how can I keep a discussion if the convo is just one way and the other is a wall full of "you're wrong" ?

I had refuted your arguments without the need to curse or saying "you are wrong". You, you haven't change a single bit, hard to get an agreement if you still believe you are always right.

It is funny that you haven't said anything about the future of SMF and keep focusing on the misunderstanding and the "devs been forced" when I haven't said anything about me been forced to code. I wished I was forced, at least that would had made me feel like part of the dev team...  I had so many ideas and hopes for SMF, neither of both sides listened to me or just directly tagged me as a drama queen and automatically assumed that all my messages where drama, thus, bypassing them.

Either way, SMF is not of my business anymore, I just wanted to told my reasons for leaving and nothing more, what happens to SMF doesn't concern me. I have no desires to go back to keep talking to the you're wrong wall and watch all my ideas been crushed for no reason.

Even if I don't want to, I have a first class seat to watch the titanic slowly sink... it has begun and people on it haven't even realize... they are indeed too stubborn (kinda remind me the scene there the first class family doesn't want to accept the fact that the ship is sinking and refuse to wear the lifesavers...) is one of those things that you don't want to watch but you do it anyway because of the morbid factor.

And no, I didn't commit any code to 2.1, didn't had the chance to actually submit my branches, all I did was some minor changes on things that bothered me while creating mods.