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Off-topic / Re: Some advice when using jquery.ajax()
« on March 15th, 2013, 02:32 AM »
yep and yep
Off-topic / Some advice when using jquery.ajax()
« on March 15th, 2013, 01:42 AM »
OK, I found a nice script that pretty much handles mentions in an user friendly way: @username (it is better than what I had: {username}) the script is: h**p://
The downside is, it requires a previously declared javaScript array for the cript to search the names on, I'm currently using a func to query the database and returns a simple string like {1:'username', 2:'another username'} where the key is the users ID.
Then I pass this string to a JavaScript var by printing the actual string to be handled by the mention script:
Code: [Select]
This works well, except that it would be a nightmare to print the string if a forum has a huge userbase, of course the query is limited to is_activated and posts > 10 but still it can grow to huge proportions.
What I was thinking is creating a simple SMF action, this action will return the string as a json object, I already had a class that handles all my ajax requests and returns the data as json so adding this wouldn't be an issue, the issue is that no matter how I fetch the string, the mention script doesn't recognize the string as a valid javascript array.
if I sent the data as a json object and use jQuery.parseJSON() on it it screws up the string.
I also tried to serve the response as a JavaScript file since I read that $ajax.() can call and execute javaScript files, however that didn't work either as $ajax.() didn't call the file (console.log told me that the file was fetched and it has a 200 status).
I wanted to use an ajax call because I can control the server response, I can use some cached entry as response and more importantly, I won't need to print a huge array.
The benefits of using this particular mention script is that it allows me to inject exactly what I want, it is triggered by typing @ or any other character but it can insert back to the textarea whatever you want, I set it up to inject this: @(username, ID) when an user selects a name from the names list now I have a nice and delimited string that can be parsed and converted to a link easily. No extra queries are needed :)
So, any help handling ajax request would be highly appreciated :) I just basically need a way to retrieve a valid javascript array/object via ajax but all my attempts had failed miserably. Oh, the mention script does support ajax calls, I followed all the exmaples on its doc section but it results in the same errors as my attempts, it doesn't recognize the serve response as a valid array.
The downside is, it requires a previously declared javaScript array for the cript to search the names on, I'm currently using a func to query the database and returns a simple string like {1:'username', 2:'another username'} where the key is the users ID.
Then I pass this string to a JavaScript var by printing the actual string to be handled by the mention script:
$context['html_headers'] .= '
<script type="text/javascript"><!-- // --><![CDATA[
var breezeUsers = '. $tools->userMention() .';
// ]]></script>';
This works well, except that it would be a nightmare to print the string if a forum has a huge userbase, of course the query is limited to is_activated and posts > 10 but still it can grow to huge proportions.
What I was thinking is creating a simple SMF action, this action will return the string as a json object, I already had a class that handles all my ajax requests and returns the data as json so adding this wouldn't be an issue, the issue is that no matter how I fetch the string, the mention script doesn't recognize the string as a valid javascript array.
if I sent the data as a json object and use jQuery.parseJSON() on it it screws up the string.
I also tried to serve the response as a JavaScript file since I read that $ajax.() can call and execute javaScript files, however that didn't work either as $ajax.() didn't call the file (console.log told me that the file was fetched and it has a 200 status).
I wanted to use an ajax call because I can control the server response, I can use some cached entry as response and more importantly, I won't need to print a huge array.
The benefits of using this particular mention script is that it allows me to inject exactly what I want, it is triggered by typing @ or any other character but it can insert back to the textarea whatever you want, I set it up to inject this: @(username, ID) when an user selects a name from the names list now I have a nice and delimited string that can be parsed and converted to a link easily. No extra queries are needed :)
So, any help handling ajax request would be highly appreciated :) I just basically need a way to retrieve a valid javascript array/object via ajax but all my attempts had failed miserably. Oh, the mention script does support ajax calls, I followed all the exmaples on its doc section but it results in the same errors as my attempts, it doesn't recognize the serve response as a valid array.
Off-topic / Re: Women in the Workplace/Life
« on March 12th, 2013, 08:29 PM »
For the military aspect, at least one of the first reasons was simply because countries needed a reliable source of mens for war and for sustain their economy during war times, if they sent their womans to war they can potentially lose because they will be cutting off their source of population, less womans equals less population which means less army forces.
Oh, and please do not takes this the wrong way, I'm not justifying anything and I'm not saying is good or bad, I'm simply stating one of the very first reasons why women didn't go to war.
Oh, and please do not takes this the wrong way, I'm not justifying anything and I'm not saying is good or bad, I'm simply stating one of the very first reasons why women didn't go to war.
Off-topic / Re: Women in the Workplace/Life
« on March 12th, 2013, 05:18 PM »
And again, I have no issues with whatever argument you guys are trying to do. I never said your rants weren't valid or anything.
I've never been in Europe, only the US so I have no idea what is like over there, over here, things are difficult for woman, I was just trying to let you guys know that issues for both genders do exists, I have no intentions to trying to arguing which issues are valid and which are not.
I've never been in Europe, only the US so I have no idea what is like over there, over here, things are difficult for woman, I was just trying to let you guys know that issues for both genders do exists, I have no intentions to trying to arguing which issues are valid and which are not.
Off-topic / Re: Women in the Workplace/Life
« on March 12th, 2013, 04:47 PM »
Oh! the bouncing thing fires up whenever I want to click the quote button :)
I'm not playing the victim, I'm simply saying both genders have issues with the other gender, that is all. You can rant all you want, it won't change a thing.
I hav eno other argument other than letting you know that both genders have issues and both genders have rants, I do not care if those rants are valid or not, I stopped caring about it ages ago.
I'm not playing the victim, I'm simply saying both genders have issues with the other gender, that is all. You can rant all you want, it won't change a thing.
I hav eno other argument other than letting you know that both genders have issues and both genders have rants, I do not care if those rants are valid or not, I stopped caring about it ages ago.
Off-topic / Re: Women in the Workplace/Life
« on March 12th, 2013, 04:33 PM »
@Nao, yes, let us hope for the best :(
Little rant about Chrome, why do they need to shove it to you with every thing you download? every adobe flash update comes with chrome... why? if it is that great why do they need to pretty much force it to you?
@MaxxProfile You do realize that you are the ones that creates the differences right? Take the very first post here for example, if you want equality then either help other men to puck up things and hold the door for other men or simply do not do any of those things for anyone.
Nothing will make me happier than been treated like an equal...
The only reason why I was accepted in SMF team back in 2010 is because I'm a woman, not because I was good at support or anything, that stuff came in latter, the very first approach was because I'm a woman.
Believe me, been a woman in a third world, misogynist country, I better than anyone else knows about gender discrimination. Heck, I suffer it on a daily basics :P
It is bad that womens on your country take advantages of their position, there are all kinds of womans and there are all kinds of men too, generalizing a whole gender based on specific cases doesn't do any good.
What I'm saying is that both gender takes advantages and both genders sees themselves as victims.
Little rant about Chrome, why do they need to shove it to you with every thing you download? every adobe flash update comes with chrome... why? if it is that great why do they need to pretty much force it to you?
@MaxxProfile You do realize that you are the ones that creates the differences right? Take the very first post here for example, if you want equality then either help other men to puck up things and hold the door for other men or simply do not do any of those things for anyone.
Nothing will make me happier than been treated like an equal...
The only reason why I was accepted in SMF team back in 2010 is because I'm a woman, not because I was good at support or anything, that stuff came in latter, the very first approach was because I'm a woman.
Believe me, been a woman in a third world, misogynist country, I better than anyone else knows about gender discrimination. Heck, I suffer it on a daily basics :P
It is bad that womens on your country take advantages of their position, there are all kinds of womans and there are all kinds of men too, generalizing a whole gender based on specific cases doesn't do any good.
What I'm saying is that both gender takes advantages and both genders sees themselves as victims.
Off-topic / Re: Women in the Workplace/Life
« on March 12th, 2013, 02:49 PM »
About the bouncing issue, I think it started it when I switch to quick reply on by default.
And thanks.
And thanks.
Off-topic / Re: Women in the Workplace/Life
« on March 11th, 2013, 09:22 PM »
I'm not justifying anything. I'm not defending anything here.
I'm not justifying anything. I'm not defending anything here.
Other software / Re: Discussing Wedge on
« on March 11th, 2013, 09:21 PM »
Ah, issue here is that only the lesser gods gets renewed :P
Well, they could have the devs covered if they bother to attract new devs and actually treat them like real code contributors and not a lesser entity whos lower than them and only exists for their own service.
Well, they could have the devs covered if they bother to attract new devs and actually treat them like real code contributors and not a lesser entity whos lower than them and only exists for their own service.
Off-topic / Re: Women in the Workplace/Life
« on March 11th, 2013, 09:12 PM »
Again, never said anything about one gender rants being more legitimate than the other, I simply said both genders has rants, whatever way you want to see them is up to you.
Sidenot, on Opera 12.14 the page does this weird bouncing thing.
Sidenot, on Opera 12.14 the page does this weird bouncing thing.
Off-topic / Re: Women in the Workplace/Life
« on March 11th, 2013, 09:01 PM »
I just said each gender have its own unique set of rants and each gender thinks the other gender gets better treatment. It has always been like that. Never said anything about rants being invalid.
The only reason why is labeled as "liberation" is because we live in a male oriented society. There are many cultures under matriarchy that has the same complaints exept is the other way around, when mens complain it gets viewed as "liberation", simply because is a matriarchy society.
The only reason why is labeled as "liberation" is because we live in a male oriented society. There are many cultures under matriarchy that has the same complaints exept is the other way around, when mens complain it gets viewed as "liberation", simply because is a matriarchy society.
Other software / Re: Discussing Wedge on
« on March 11th, 2013, 08:55 PM »
Well, by new blood I mean any new team member in general.
Team members over there are like Greek gods (I used to use an analogy between team boards and mount Olympus). People admire team members and wants to be on the team.
Old school/seasoned team members can easily manipulate this new blood because the new blood is:
a) Easily manipulated.
b) Afraid to speak their mind.
Then the new blood finds out the cake is a lie and decides to leave but then again there is another batch of new blood ready to be fetched at the front door and so the loop continues.
Team members over there are like Greek gods (I used to use an analogy between team boards and mount Olympus). People admire team members and wants to be on the team.
Old school/seasoned team members can easily manipulate this new blood because the new blood is:
a) Easily manipulated.
b) Afraid to speak their mind.
Then the new blood finds out the cake is a lie and decides to leave but then again there is another batch of new blood ready to be fetched at the front door and so the loop continues.
Off-topic / Re: Women in the Workplace/Life
« on March 11th, 2013, 08:49 PM »
My point is that anyone can rant about injustice and gender, a woman can also rant about injustice just as easily as men and their rants are just as valid to them as mens rants are valid to men.
There will never be anything like gender equality.
There will never be anything like gender equality.
Other software / Re: Discussing Wedge on
« on March 11th, 2013, 08:39 PM »The old guard isn't going to be able to hold the torch for long, eventually they would become tired and weary.Quote from Suki on March 11th, 2013, 06:59 PM For anyone to be able to catch the torch, the old guard needs to let the torch go or at least understand that the torch is not a property they can manipulate at will anymore ;)
smCore is dead.
Off-topic / Re: Women in the Workplace/Life
« on March 11th, 2013, 08:36 PM »The grass is always greener on the other side.