It only took two guys two years...


  • Dadman with a boy
  • Posts: 16,082
It only took two guys two years...
« on November 1st, 2012, 06:27 PM »
...And 2 months, and 2 days.
Okay, maybe not 2 days, more like 6, but apart from Pete and I, you weren't there to count in the beginning, were you? ;)

Just in case you aren't aware yet, I finally managed to put the finishing touches to a 'usable' version of Wedge, and released it early this morning to early beta testers.

In order to download it, you'll have to request access in the relevant topic, but since this is still a private alpha, we're going to be giving access mostly to those of you who've been following us for some time (and posting along), anyone who seems serious about Wedge and testing it.

Our plans are to release a public alpha before the end of the year (well, just in case the Incas were right). We're going to try and keep Wedge in frozen mode, so we won't be adding any new (major) features, although we do have a few outstanding features (or bug fixes) which we plan to ship before we go public. And who knows, maybe we'll have a good week at some point and will even be able to go gold before the end of the year...? Naah, can't be.

Re: It only took two guys two years...
« Reply #61, on September 17th, 2013, 06:40 AM »
As far as long posts go, I had an email convo with Pete yesterday (cla stuff), so my Hans were full. ^^

Hands. Silly s3.

Re: It only took two guys two years...
« Reply #62, on September 17th, 2013, 09:24 AM »
Probably a cover-up for "I'll do it later"please prove me wrong.

Ten lines isn't long.
Posted: September 17th, 2013, 09:20 AM

(almost thought that looked like cia with the letter I, but it's a L)

Re: It only took two guys two years...
« Reply #63, on September 17th, 2013, 11:48 AM »
Proved you wrong!
And you KNOW I couldn't do a proper roadmap... You're just teasing me :P

Sorry about the spelling this morning... I'd just gotten out of bed, and couldn't be arsed to go to my PC to reply, eh.