Public area => The Pub => Off-topic => Topic started by: feline on October 22nd, 2013, 06:49 PM
When I read all this, I know that it was right not to take me to wedge ...
:edit: Split from
Oh, like you can talk... ::)
NAO: Hello feline, excuse me for disturbing you. I've seen how your ideas were systematically rejected by the SMF team. Would you like to join the Wedge team and share your ideas with us?
FELINE: Sure, why not! How much does it pay?
NAO: Uh? It's a hobby...
FELINE: Not interested. (slamming door)
Surely you were wise to pass on this opportunity. So were we.
LOL .. you kicked out yourself long time ago :niark:
That post could have value if it meant anything at all.
I'd suggest you learn English, and manners.
As well as giving the rest of us an idea of what the heck you meant by that short and basically leading comment.
Nao, it seems as if some people only have one mission in life, to make the lives of others miserable.
Personally, I am fed up with idiotic behavior like that, and I agree with your last post 100%. :)
She has a reputation of doing this. She has done this several times on Tiny Portal and now she's here to do the same. She's possibly one of the most arrogant and most hated developers among the SMF community.
I always say 'ignore the stupid people'.
Oh, BTW Feline, your last comment made no sense whatsoever which just proves my point.
She's possibly one of the most arrogant and most hated developers among the SMF community.
Yea .. I'm a very interest person :lol: I'm very happy on this :eheh:
Oh, dear god! What the hell is this lunatic blabbering?
She's possibly one of the most arrogant and most hated developers among the SMF community.
Yea .. I'm a very interest person :lol: I'm very happy on this :eheh:
You sure have gotten a sense of what the word 'community' means. Looks even like you've got an entire one against you... :ph34r:
I am the way I am .. I do not have any like .. only me :)
You're a woman? Neat. Pics?
Lulz. ::)
Seems like she has gone from being part of communities, to trolling them.
I am the way I am .. I do not have any like .. only me :)
I am the one and only(
You're a woman? Neat. Pics?
Trust me, you're only gonna hate her more if you see pictures of her. :lol:
Not cool. She can do something about her attitude, but not about her looks.
Also I quite like the special looks. :D
Also I quite like the special looks. :D
Especially at Halloween :niark: :lol:
Oh, you should see my ex.
You're a lucky guy if... :yahoo:
Nah, too plasticky.
the above posts show clearly how some people here are mentally child ..
the above posts show clearly how some people here are mentally child ..
I'd suggest you leave, then. Buh-bye!
Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black?
Well, she's got a point - stooping to criticizing looks doesn't become anyone.
That is true, Bloc. But insulting someone who approached this place purely with the intention of being snarky gives me a great sense of satisfaction.
Have a look at this topic( to have a better understanding of the kind of person she is. I'm sure you (@Bloc) already know the kind of person she is as she mentions you in a post but this is mostly for everyone else.
She openly advertises her product (TinyPortal is her competitor mind you), openly disrespects the support staff by calling them 'crazy', claims that most of TinyPortal's code was written by her and look at that big-a** signature.
I mean, what kind of behavior is this? To see a developer act this way is just plain ugly! Normally I would say go learn some manners and come back but I think it's a little too late for that.
One of the basic rules of trolling is: If you start to insult, you lose the game. Don't forget that.
Oh, I know who she is and whats been going on.
I don't agree to use physical appearance as an argument though, to anyone. This is internet, for all I care you could all be 90-year ladies with bad complexion. :D Well, maybe not..but its unfair to use it when so few reveal how they actually look. Words are everyones playground, and thats in the end all you have to relate to. IMHO anyway.
the above posts show clearly how some people here are mentally child ..
Trying to read your English makes me feel like mentally child.... :geek:
Die Nachrichten hier zeigen deutlich, welch Geistes Kind manche Leute sind.. :lol:
Why are you English always rude with your language? I speak 5 different local dialects. Not so bad Ingrish and can Introduce myself in French. I'm always happy to hear none natives speak my language. You guys should let Feline be.
Die Nachrichten hier zeigen deutlich, welch Geistes Kind manche Leute sind.. :lol:
* wessen (oder, älter und bekannter, wes) :whistle:
Wißt ihr nicht, wes Geistes Kind ihr seid?
Wes Geistes Kind seid ihr? fragt Christus uns, die es auch gelüstet, mal, Feuer regnen zu lassen. Weil wir nicht genügend Achtung erfahren, weil wir schlicht den anderen verübeln, dass sie uns ablehnen, wollen wir sie zum Teufel wünschen. Schon stark gezeichnet sind die Jünger - wegen Jesus haben sie alles verlassen und ziehen mit ihm, hängen an seinen Lippen, saugen seine Liebe, - aber beim geringsten Gegenwind brausen sie auf, sind tief gekränkt, wollen ausradieren und Weltgericht vollziehen.
Das ist typisch für uns, auch auf anderer Ebene: Wenn wir als ältere Geschwister die Ehre der Eltern verteidigen, fühlen wir uns besonders stark. Oder wenn wir als Beamte des Staates die unliebsamen Bürgerbegehren abwürgen oder im Namen des Gesetzes den wehrhaften Richter oder Staatsanwalt spielen oder als Priester im Namen Gottes die Sünder abkanzel, - oder uns aufwerfen, im Namen der Menschheit einen Krieg zu führen, weil die Völkergemeinschaft angeblich zu willensschwach sei.
Immer, wenn wir im Namen höherer Mächte - Eltern, Staat, Recht, Gott, Menschheit, - Gericht vollziehen, inthronisieren wir uns als die Guten ab, indem wir andere als die Bösen hinstellen. Natürlich machen wir nur die Drecksarbeit, aber wer macht es denn sonst, wer steht denn für den Herrn ein oder für die Eltern oder für das Recht oder die Menschheit - die andern, die kümmern sich nicht drum, die sehen den Skandal gar nicht, die gehen ihres Weges, die machen ihr privates Ding.
Jetzt Genug davon deutsch, zurück zum Thema, bevor ich euch alle zu verbieten. (Warten Sie, ich bin nicht der Admin hier :))
Everyone's a comedian... :P
Jetzt Genug davon deutsch, zurück zum Thema, bevor ich euch alle zu verbieten.
Vielleicht solltest du erst mal anfangen mit Deutsch. :ph34r:
Everyone's a comedian... :P
Who needs enemies when some people do such a good job of it themselves. :eheh:
Sehr Gut!
Die Nachrichten hier zeigen deutlich, welch Geistes Kind manche Leute sind.. :lol:
Maybe some people want to keep that spirit of a child? Ja?
Deutschland über alles. Oh sorry, I thought we were pulling random german sentences.
If only they could spend the same energy they've been spending here, to comment on the Wedge-related topics I've been waiting for feedback on... :lol:
What is a Wedge?
Why the heck are we on page 3...?!
Last time I checked, we were on page 1... :-/
I don't know how many posts you see per page, but default shows this as page 8.
On Google.
Neat, but why should we spend energy into this?(
I could use one right now.
You mean, for hitting someone on the head?
4 pages redirected from
Terminator Arantor back to Machines Simple machines and Feline was the reason. Two things
* You guys are moving on from Arantor here so fast which is a kind of sad
* You guys like Feline more than you realizes
She's the one and ONLY :D
If I had a hammer... ♫
4 pages redirected from Terminator Arantor back to Machines Simple machines and Feline was the reason. Two things
* You guys are moving on from Arantor here so fast which is a kind of sad
There's nothing to add. His departure was unexpected, uncalled for, and regretted by most everyone here. It was, however, his right to do it. Nothing forced him to work on Wedge for his entire life. (I'm just not sure why he seems to see jumping to a lifetime of working on SMF as an improvement over this, but...)
Heck, even I am not forced to do that. It's just that, unlike Pete, I've always enjoyed doing it, and that I never cared about what others thought of my work. It's what a fork is for, after all.* You guys like Feline more than you realizes
Or she's just a nice running joke to pass the time!