This section allows you to view all posts where this member received or gave a like to.
Weird. Clean install, create two categories with two boards in each. Move them around by drag n' drop, save the new order - they don't move.
If I try to modify the board settings it says they are in the (new) order, but they're not. I change the order, save, change again, save. They don't move :/
Bug reports / Re: Intrusion log: Request did not contain 'Accept' header.
txcas « on March 18th, 2014, 08:06 PM »
From the information on that link it looks like Bad Behavior causes more problems than the ones it prevents. Is there an option for the forum admin to turn it off?
Thanks. I will try this ASAP, I am on a roll translating index.php to Spanish.
The Pub / Paths that need to be updated after moving Wedge to a different directory
txcas « on February 27th, 2014, 02:57 PM »
You need to update the following paths if you migrate your forum from SMF to Wedge ,and then move Wedge to the root domain. For example I had SMF on www.domain.com and Wedge on upgrade.domain.com. SMF was under /root and Wedge under /root/upgrade. After importing SMF to Wedge I moved Wedge to /root to make it the new software for my domain. Here are the paths that I had to modify to make things work:
1. Settings.php - I edited this file manually first so I could have a working forum.
# Paths and folders
$boarddir = '/root'; # The absolute path to the forum folder.
$sourcedir = '/root/core/app'; # Path to the sources directory.
$cachedir = '/root/gz'; # Path to the cache directory.
$cssdir = $boarddir . '/gz/css'; # Path to the CSS cache directory.
$jsdir = $boarddir . '/gz/js'; # Path to the JS cache directory.
$pluginsdir = '/root/plugins'; # Path to the plugins directory.
$pluginsurl = 'http://www.domain.com/plugins'; # URL to plugins.
2. Paths under General Options-Paths
Forum URL
Path to Wedge folder
Path to app folder
Path to cache folder
Path to plugins folder
URL to plugins folder
URL to HTML templates
Path to HTML templates
URL to assets folder
3. Path under Forum-Attachment Settings
Attachments directory
4. Path under Forum-Avatar Settings
Avatars directory
Avatars URL
5. Paths Under Media-Settings-Configuration
Data directory path
Data directory URL
6. Pretty URL paths for boards
When I enabled Pretty URLs on Topics the URLs were composed as upgrade.domain.com/topic# instead of www.domain.com/topic#. To fix that I had to:
1. First enable Pretty URLs for Boards only.
2. Go to each board settings and modify the pretty url link to use www.domain.com instead of upgrade.domain.com
3. Now try to enable the other pretty urls options and check functionality.
That should take care of all the paths.
1. Settings.php - I edited this file manually first so I could have a working forum.
# Paths and folders
$boarddir = '/root'; # The absolute path to the forum folder.
$sourcedir = '/root/core/app'; # Path to the sources directory.
$cachedir = '/root/gz'; # Path to the cache directory.
$cssdir = $boarddir . '/gz/css'; # Path to the CSS cache directory.
$jsdir = $boarddir . '/gz/js'; # Path to the JS cache directory.
$pluginsdir = '/root/plugins'; # Path to the plugins directory.
$pluginsurl = 'http://www.domain.com/plugins'; # URL to plugins.
2. Paths under General Options-Paths
Forum URL
Path to Wedge folder
Path to app folder
Path to cache folder
Path to plugins folder
URL to plugins folder
URL to HTML templates
Path to HTML templates
URL to assets folder
3. Path under Forum-Attachment Settings
Attachments directory
4. Path under Forum-Avatar Settings
Avatars directory
Avatars URL
5. Paths Under Media-Settings-Configuration
Data directory path
Data directory URL
6. Pretty URL paths for boards
When I enabled Pretty URLs on Topics the URLs were composed as upgrade.domain.com/topic# instead of www.domain.com/topic#. To fix that I had to:
1. First enable Pretty URLs for Boards only.
2. Go to each board settings and modify the pretty url link to use www.domain.com instead of upgrade.domain.com
3. Now try to enable the other pretty urls options and check functionality.
That should take care of all the paths.
The main reason should be that this stage is an alpha stage. :PQuote from Wanchope on January 28th, 2014, 07:22 PM Please do well to let us know when this is coming out. It is the main reason why my smf forum is not yet converted.
Thank you. I don't like it either, my vote is to get it removed.
IT WOULD BE NICE TO HAVE A PLUGIN THAT WOULD PREVENT THIS. I hate it when some users use all caps.
Even though you are getting overwhelmed with bug reports, I think the codebase is pretty solid especially for Alpha code. Most of the errors I have reported are either cosmetic, caused by a SMF migration, or it is legacy code that will eventually get deleted. On the latest and greatest code I have found no problem that is visible to the end user, most of them are in the error logs. I said this before and I will say it again, I find Wedge Alpha so solid that I would put in production as soon as an Ad Management plugin is released. I am aware that will be a one way ticket with no way to return to SMF anytime soon. While I am no longer a developer, I have worked for the software industry for over 20 years. What some people consider whining, we consider customer feedback. You can not put a price on customer feedback, and feedback is the whole point of having an Alpha release. It is better to find all these bugs during the Alpha and Beta releases, than after the product is released. Anyway, the "whiners" are the ones that one day will pay for Wedge.
I'll buy a "s" :lol:Quote from txcas on February 6th, 2014, 04:24 PM ,,, as an As Management plugin is released.
More feedback from my users. They like the sidebar with stats quick access, etc. on the home page, but they prefer that gone once they go inside a board to read or write posts. They prefer the full screen editor. I think I agree with them.