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Topics - eolith
Archived fixes / Pretty URLs causing 404s
« on February 12th, 2014, 03:08 PM »
I see Pretty URLs are working here, but when I enable Pretty URLs of any sort on my site, I get 404s for the prettified URLs. Nothing in the error log. Brand new install, discovered as I was going through the admin settings to match an SMF forum I run.

For others that may encounter this, here are the URLs to paste into the address bar to undo the pretty URLs:

Load this URL:
Code: [Select]

Deselect the Pretty URL (actions)

Paste this URL and hit enter:
Code: [Select]
Features / Tapatalk (revisit)
« on February 27th, 2013, 05:33 PM »
I've read through the thread where I first found Tapatalk mentioned (and long dead), and I've read any and all threads that have the word "Tapatalk" in it.

I and a lot of my users take advantage of Tapatalk for a number of reasons, and while I understand there's a mobile theme, it can still be kind of painful on poor 3G connections (like here in Dayton, OH) where every little bit helps. Tapatalk seems to do a good job of stripping out nearly all but the actual text needed, reducing bandwidth usage and speeding forum usage.

Has this topic been officially been revisited/considered? Is there any plan to support Tapatalk plug-ins?
Other software / Will Wedge import data from SMF?
« on February 25th, 2013, 03:54 AM »
I have been running an SMF forum ( since 2009 and have been watching Wedge like a hawk. I see a beta has been released and I plan on submitting myself for beta usage. I'm planning on moving my community to a new URL and I figure that's a perfect time to switch to Wedge, and start getting the members used to it.

In doing so, I'd REALLY like to be able to bring over all the old threads to Wedge, and keep it searchable. I don't mind if they're not fully integrated and in a "Legacy" section, as long as they're searchable, we can start new threads (we're not a giant community by any means).

I searched and didn't find anything about importing SMF data, so I apologize if there's a thread out there already.

Thanks Wedgies! (my term for all you Wedge devs/supporters :P)
Features / IP based logging per thread
« on October 12th, 2011, 07:35 AM »
I run a small SMF forum (52 users), and have been watching Wedge for a while. I just had an issue where someone did something nefarious and it would have been very helpful if I could have tracked who accessed a particular thread during a specific time period.

Is there a feature like this under consideration? I've not found anything about it through search.

The same person then registered through the proxy

Is there anything planned for blocking proxies of this nature?

Thanks, hope to see this out soon!