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I like that live627.
Can you work on an "arsehole" image and include it.
I got plenty of members that will be awarded that one :lol:
Can you work on an "arsehole" image and include it.
I got plenty of members that will be awarded that one :lol:
Pete, you're still feeling too concerned about SMF.
Its a bit like a wayward child.......... whatever it does, you will still love it.
Other software / Re: "Paid for" shit & shame on the SMF team
billy2 « on August 4th, 2011, 12:10 PM »Fuck. I don't even know why I still have AeMe online over there...
* billy2 sniggers childlike
Middle one all the way Nao, (if you are doing away with the one I voted for).
I dont like the 'W' font - it looks like a feminine hygene logo or a bow. But I do like the graphic.
I dont like the 'W' font - it looks like a feminine hygene logo or a bow. But I do like the graphic.
Also, we have our own theme, and it looks great. (Better than Wedge.org, at the very least. Which is probably why I insist so much on the fact that Wedge.org is not currently running Wedge :P)
Would be nice to have a sneak preview of the Wedge theme...........just so we can work on our logos :thanks:
By 15th March includes today ;)
* billy2 chuckles
I think we all have a bit of '11th hour' history to us
You have no idea how unnerving it can be, at least when it comes to Wedge...
I updated a live site for every SM2 RC. Losing avatars, fiddling with templates - it was fun. I learnt a bit.