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Messages - Xarcell
Other software / Re: So, I've been asked...
« on March 31st, 2011, 05:20 AM »
Quote from Dismal Shadow on March 31st, 2011, 03:41 AM
Not this crap again. :(
The Pub / [Archive] Re: Logo Madness
« on March 30th, 2011, 08:09 PM »
Here is one, kinda a joke really. "Wedging" SMF...

I need to make the "W" more smoother though.
The Pub / Re: Why wedge?
« on March 29th, 2011, 11:39 PM »
I like wedge. When I first saw the name, I thought it suited it.
Off-topic / Re: Hi all!
« on March 29th, 2011, 11:22 PM »
More Coders - Fail!

Arantor and Nao know what they are doing. I think adding another coder will just make things more complicated. "Too many hands in the candy bowl" is what I always like to say. I mean honestly, they are on a different level. No offense to other coders, but I think it would slow things down rather than speed things up. Perhaps after a gold release, adding more developers would be the idea, with Nao and Arantor being the Lead Consultants/Coders or something.
The Pub / Re: I Have To Be The First To Ask
« on March 29th, 2011, 07:04 PM »
I understand. The post was more of a joke really.

I just hope it's really polished and at least 99% percent of the work is done before it's even released as a beta. I only say that because I don't want Nao & Arantor to get frustrated with us asking about crap all the time.

I feel bad for Nao at times because at one point he got hammered with nonsense support questions over avea at SMF. I remember one fella asked how to do something and the answer was in a post directly above his. I was like WTF?

But then again, we all make our mistakes. I'm sure I've gotten on Arantor's nerves at times at SMF when he was helping me with stuff.

It's good that you guys keep this under-wraps for awhile. Just plan a good support team and documention for when it's released(officially).

Truth is I'm just afraid to see this project fail. I know Nao and Arantor are tough and hardest to break, but I'm been somewhat involved in several SMF projects over the past 5 years and I don't think a single one made it at 100% intented. I'm edger to see what you guys do with it, and just want to make sure you guys have room to breathe. People can be like locusts at times...

Keep it safe, keep it secret.
The Pub / I Have To Be The First To Ask
« on March 29th, 2011, 06:42 PM »
So when is Wedge going to be released?

lol, j/k.

I do not expect it anytime soon, and I hope you guys take your time working on it. I don't want to see you guys get frustrated with members, and I definitely don't want to see you guys get burned out.

Keep up the good work!
FAQs / [FAQ] Re: Why are there so many features? / Isn't that bloated?
« on March 29th, 2011, 01:34 AM »
Plugins / Re: Plugin hooks
« on March 28th, 2011, 09:35 PM »
Quote from Arantor on March 28th, 2011, 08:25 PM
As indicated, it won't be out before SMF2 Gold is ready, unfortunately
Duke Nukem Forever - even with its latest delay - will be out before SMF 2 Gold.
Plugins / Re: Plugin hooks
« on March 28th, 2011, 08:04 PM »
FYI, talking about SMF gold, I read somewhere by a SMF staff member that RC5 was supposed to be gold, but they are currently trying to change their license, and will not release gold until then. So no date set.

It makes me wonder if wedge is the reason why. :P
FAQs / [FAQ] Re: Why are there so many features? / Isn't that bloated?
« on March 28th, 2011, 08:01 PM »
"" is a test site.

"" is the actual site I'm trying to build. It's the reason I left xenForo. I love xenForo, but I could not auto-assign age to a membergroup. It's ajax driven, so it's looks & runs very smooth. The speed of it is really quick, really. I still love it, but I cannot tweak it to suit my needs Maybe for another project in the future...

The only thing that I really miss, is the alert/notification system and the "like" feature. Everything else cosmetic about it can be achieved by simply tweaking the templates in SMF.

The only thing I hated about xF was the sidebar. I absolutely hated it. While half the people that wanted just a forum, it was perfect. For the other half who wanted better block placement, it was a bitch to work around. You were forced to work with it.

Which is why I was asking about block placement. I don't really care for CMS/Portals, that's what I got a forum for. To me, a forum topic with reply is no different than an article with comments. For SMF, I simply altered the templates a bit to achieve that. See example HERE. First post is different from the rest, and is always on top on every page. In turn, makes it "appear" to be an article with comments, rather than a forum topic with replies...

Block placement on the other hand, to me isn't a portal per say, but allows some flexibly from overall site layouts. Having that option to display blocks of info, images, ads, or notes to anywhere in the forum on a permission/membergroup basis. Overall, I personally don't like CMS/Portals, I'd rather everything be in the forum. The forum should be the sitemap. Just my 2 cents.

To be a 100% truthful, I would like to see a forum allow on a category or board basis, to "show as": topic, article, or page. Allowing options of with or without comments. The trick would simply be a minor template change for each option. Make posts look like topics, or articles. A page is sightly different, because it allows HTML or PHP by the admin, but still has that option to comment.

Never the less, all 3 types can be located inside the forum boards. XenForo already allows "pages" to be made inside certain boards by the admin. For example, the admin when creating boards or categories, there is also an option that says "create page", just above "create board". Most admin's find this very useful, and no need for a Portal/CMS.

Well, I don't want to get ahead of myself. Just tossing out ideas. You guys probably have discussed it already.

I look forward to seeing what you guys come up with in your final product, and I'm sure it will be better than what is developing. They seem to have issues moving forward...
FAQs / [FAQ] Re: Minimum requirements
« on March 28th, 2011, 07:02 PM »
Wow, you really know your shit.(that's not sarcasm).

I hate seeing js file sizes over 25k, but that's just me. If your capable of writing your own, that will work best, it's just more time and bug tracking involved. User's can still add jQuery manually, that's the route I would take. I see no point than have both. But I am a fan of jQuery, and can't stand Mootools...

As far as IE6 goes, it's good to hear it won't be babied like SMF does. People need to upgrade. Most of the current IE6 users are from businesses anyway.
Plugins / Re: Plugin hooks
« on March 28th, 2011, 06:50 PM »
Quote from Nao/Gilles on March 28th, 2011, 08:01 AM
That's the other way around actually.
And you are.........?
Where did you find this website?
I heard rumors awhile back at, about 3 months ago I think. Yesterday I googled the site by familiar names rumored to be working on the project. I didn't believe a site was already available, until I found this one. I didn't even know what the name was until now.

Although, I see now it's still not supposed to be public?

You are welcome to delete my posts & account.

Thanks, and good luck with the project. Looking forward towards it's release...
FAQs / [FAQ] Re: Minimum requirements
« on March 28th, 2011, 02:44 AM »
I noticed that IE 6 is a minimum requirement, but how extensive will the support for it be?

Have you guys looked at CCS3pie for IE and jQuery png transparency fix for IE
Javascript is strongly recommended
Is jQuery going to be used, or are you guys writing mostly your own?
FAQs / [FAQ] Re: Why are there so many features? / Isn't that bloated?
« on March 28th, 2011, 02:08 AM »

A few years ago I would have said "Yes!", for that very reason. It would be better to see Wedge maintain major modules such as calendar, blog, etc etc.

Then lately I been thinking more barebones, but then since I switched back to SMF to xenForo, back to SMF. I have mixed feelings.

It can sometimes be hard to decide what's bloat and what's not. I reckon it depends on what the goal of the software is.

I personally would love to see wedge be more of a "community" software, and let the original SMF move forward being more of a bare-bones forum as they want.

With that in mind, I think it makes it easier to decide what's bloat and what's not. What should be maintained, and what should be left out.

So Ultimately, I think wedge would be excellent with a blog/gallery added in, but more importantly extensive profiles. Where those blogs and gallery pictures by the user can also be found in their profile. Allowing users to even use photos uploaded to the gallery for his or her blog(given permissions allow for it). I think that's the way to go really, assuming it won't hit performance too hard.

A couple of other things I'd like to see to make things more "community-like", is a rss feed poster. It makes it easier to get a community off it's feet, and keeps thing interesting if your power-posters turn up missing for a few days. But that's just me...

There are things I think should be taken out, or replaced. I think karma should be removed, and replaced with a thumbsup and/or thumbsdown. Facebook uses the "like" system, and xenForo has adopted it and it works very well for everyone.

The thumbsup and thumbsdown system could be used in so many places. Even adopted and used in modules(add-ons) or hacks. Take a look at THIS. If Wedge has something similar to this, think of the possibilities. This could work as a "like" system, and replace the "karma" system at the same time.

Don't get me wrong, I don't what anyone to think I'm jumping in and trying to say it should be like this or like that. I am simply requesting that it be looked at and discussed among the professionals. I don't think it hurts to bounce ideas around or off each other. That's how ideas evolve and become something great and innovative.

Also, I have to ask. Is a block placement/portal being considered?
Plugins / Re: Plugin hooks
« on March 28th, 2011, 01:42 AM »
I agree with Nao

Module(add-on) & Plugin(hack)