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Off-topic / Re: git hiccups
« on October 21st, 2013, 07:13 PM »That page shows a commit by Arantor. Why does it also say live627:ssi? Is this some kind of gitty trick?
If it's a commit by John, why is Pete credited for it..?
Other software / Re: Arantor back on SMF Team!
« on October 20th, 2013, 05:19 PM »
To be fair with Pete: He didn't revert his own commit ;) It was this one which introduced Wedge's db class:
Other software / Re: Arantor back on SMF Team!
« on October 20th, 2013, 11:01 AM »And what's the point of going OOP/MVC..?
Wedge uses OOP where it makes sense. Does Elk do that?
Elk is using OOP where it makes sense, yes. We have a coding guideline and we simply follow our own standards:
The point of following standards is to make it less complicated for developers and easier extendable. And last but not least to use other common standards such as unit-testing and build-testing (travis ci).
Nao, I would probably have contributed my code and energy to Wedge but I wasn't allowed to do so.. Sadly you (and Pete) never gave me write access to the main repo, thus I moved on at some point.. Sorry.
And please: I'm not up for a battle comparing Elk, Wedge and SMF... We all have wasted more than enough time & energy to complain about SMF, their NPO structure and such stuff. At least I don't have the time nor the passion to start such type of "battle" once again. Elk and Wedge are simply following completely different approaches ..
Yup, I just registered on your board to test that. Got a timeout after returning from my OpenID provider instantly. Now that's a cool feature! I had to use the password-based authentication.
Guess I should fork ElkArte and make it right.
Other software / Re: Arantor back on SMF Team!
« on October 13th, 2013, 06:24 PM »...and elk is too young and there are too many cooks in the kitchen IMHO. Thus, they spend most of their time fixing bugs.
And we have also added lots of cool new features :cool: Post by E-Mail, OpenID 2.0, Likes, Spoiler & Footnotes BBC, Gravatars, improved admin and antispam security, drag & drop for sorting boards, custom profile fields and smileys, Video Embedding, Quote to new topic, disregard topics, and much much more..
Don't underestimate ElkArte ;)
Other software / Re: SM.org compromised
« on July 23rd, 2013, 08:53 PM »
yep, so many hackers out there.. drupal.org has been hacked last month IIRC..
Glad I deleted my account over at SM.org two weeks ago :whistle:
Glad I deleted my account over at SM.org two weeks ago :whistle:
Other software / Re: Discussing Wedge on simplemachines.org
« on January 12th, 2013, 07:23 PM »and you might note that the past few posts, Arantor and I have been saying the exact same thing. SMF needs two solid, strong leaders. one for dev and one as PM.
Plugins / Re: Which next? [Poll]
« on April 1st, 2012, 07:03 PM »
the one which has been taken over by vblamer.. (but an older version).. initial developer was IIRC jerm?!?
Plugins / Re: Which next? [Poll]
« on April 1st, 2012, 06:48 PM »I don't really care. I don't use ads on my pages. I feel they deteriorate the quality feeling of the site. Though I can understand why some people might want them.
Archived fixes / Re: IE8: menu broken (with fix)
« on March 22nd, 2012, 04:20 PM »So, what can I say... Thorsten, can you confirm that not only your fix works, but that it doesn't break anything else...?
Using IE8 developer tools, I can see only one difference between native IE8 and IE8 in IE7 compabilty mode, that's the "inline-block" style,
Archived fixes / Re: IE8: menu broken (with fix)
« on March 22nd, 2012, 12:36 PM »
My screenshot is native IE8 on a W2k3 Server.. (IE 8 in IE7 mode is fine)
Archived fixes / IE8: menu broken (with fix)
« on March 22nd, 2012, 12:27 PM »
the menu icons are slightly overlapping in IE8 (see attachment):
proposed fix:
.menu > li
display: inline-block
should be changed to display: inline
proposed fix:
.menu > li
display: inline-block
should be changed to display: inline
Plugins / Re: Yet another: PM flash
« on March 20th, 2012, 08:15 AM »
nice litte tweak, should be a core feature :cool:
Features / Re: Brave new world
« on March 16th, 2012, 09:17 PM »but how to upgrade my forum with about 500.000 attachments in different folders?
Not really purge them in one big folder. eh? :)
Features / Re: Brave new world
« on March 16th, 2012, 08:16 PM »So, given that structure, I would have expected to see attachments moved over here. In fact, the only files that were in this folder were the avatars.
- try and fix the duplicate key stuff...
$special_result = $db->query(sprintf($current_data, $_REQUEST['start'], $_REQUEST['start'] + $special_limit - 1) . "\n" . 'LIMIT ' . $special_limit);
Importing attachments in general is still a bit 'buggy', I know.
However, about 10 attachments (out of ~875) weren't imported.
Features / Re: Brave new world
« on March 16th, 2012, 07:18 PM »Some bugs are related to importer bugs.
Congratualations, great to see Wedge in action :)