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Importing into Wedge / Re: MyBB Import
« on February 2nd, 2014, 09:48 AM »
checked the URL from your screenshots, the board seems imported?
Importing into Wedge / Re: Importer tool
« on February 2nd, 2014, 09:36 AM »
Topic locked. Please start your own topic, if you have issues with the importer.
Importing into Wedge / Re: Importer tool
« on February 1st, 2014, 08:31 AM »
Can someone please split this topic into multiple .. I can help with one or the other issue but it's a total chaos?
Maybe create an extra board for that.
Maybe create an extra board for that.
Importing into Wedge / Re: Database permissions
« on January 28th, 2014, 07:42 AM »Thorsten, what do you think should be done about this..?
The SMF importer could read Settings.php from the SMF install in order to select the proper database Name and credetials (username and Password for the MySQL database) but other vendors (phpBB, MyBB, vBulletin etc.) don't have their own Settings.php. They have equivalents, but the credentials are sometimes stored in an Array, sometimes in a CONSTANT, sometimes in private class vars etc.,..so it's not suitable to grab these from the related files.
An option would be to ask for credentials and store these in a php session var or in a Cookie. Not sure if it's worth the amount of work and the "Trouble" regarding security... I'm not a big fan of storing the cleartext-version of MySQL Password in a Cookie or a session var.
See it as a system requirement: The importer is running in Wedge's database context and the Wedge installation needs read-access from the other system's database in order to import the old data.
Importing into Wedge / Re: Database permissions
« on January 27th, 2014, 05:39 PM »Are you sure you entered the right paths..? Because to me, it sounds like you tried to import a Wedge forum into another Wedge forum. (Or worse, into a SMF forum... :P)
Features: Miscellaneous / Re: Cool stats!
« on November 27th, 2013, 08:00 PM »
I like it, tested today morning with my mobile phone and it still looks very good, even on a 480x800 Screen resolution. Welll done :cool:
Off-topic / Re: A short script to remove unused, useless globals in PHP.
« on November 19th, 2013, 04:36 PM »PS: considering that Wedge will soon modify a few fundamentals of SMF such as folder structure and $theme stuff, are you willing to look into the importer when I do, and make sure it doesn't break..?
Off-topic / Re: A short script to remove unused, useless globals in PHP.
« on November 19th, 2013, 05:53 AM »Bump to try and determine if it's really worth making a repo out of this snippet. ;)
Other software / Re : SMF reaction to 'unused, useless globals'
« on November 18th, 2013, 08:26 AM »Bloc, I don't have access to that topic, even as a friend.
So, I'm guessing they are indeed talking about me in more private sections? Nice. And Arantor was complaining that I had made a fair topic about him in a board that he would still be able to acccess if he hadn't removed himself from it.
Sorry for the OT.
Other software / Re : SMF reaction to 'unused, useless globals'
« on November 17th, 2013, 06:24 PM »Well, I'm sure you already did 90% of the work through NetBeans, didn't you? ;)
I decided against using NetBeans for that generally, because of the many false positives, such as "undeclared variable" when doing preg_match_all($regex, $string, $my_new_variable)... Yeah, NetBeans, I'm not going to initialize a variable just because you can't fathom that PHP would actually initialize the variable this way, hmm...
Off-topic / Re: A short script to remove unused, useless globals in PHP.
« on November 16th, 2013, 06:52 PM »
yay. Thank you for that little helper.
Found some real ones in Elk with it, but some are definetely false reports.. I'm currently down to a total of 21 for Elk :whistle: 8 from upgrade.php, but there's the eval for the parsed SQL code.
Make a github repo and push it, It's a nice litte tool :cool:
checked with your updated version, 2 remaining and these are from an external library ::) Won't fix them but Elk is completely clean.
Edit: I left those in install.php and upgrade.php, too..
Found some real ones in Elk with it, but some are definetely false reports.. I'm currently down to a total of 21 for Elk :whistle: 8 from upgrade.php, but there's the eval for the parsed SQL code.
Make a github repo and push it, It's a nice litte tool :cool:
Posted: November 16th, 2013, 06:32 PM
checked with your updated version, 2 remaining and these are from an external library ::) Won't fix them but Elk is completely clean.
Edit: I left those in install.php and upgrade.php, too..
The Pub / Re: Stupid git?
« on October 27th, 2013, 05:56 PM »I have no idea how TE did his global variable removal through it, though. The various 'code cleanup' plugins don't work, for me.
Check the screenshots.. should be self explaing.
The Pub / Re: Stupid git?
« on October 24th, 2013, 09:12 AM »
Sorry, can't help with SmartGit, Tortoise and such programs.. I'm using Netbeans and I'm quite happy with.. I think it's important to setup and understand the GIT / Github workflow from the beginning.
This is what I did with the openImporter (and other projects):
1) created a team account (openimporter) and a repo for the files (named openImoprter, too).
2) Forked the repo with my personal account.
3) Cloned it locally.
4) added the team account repo as upstream
Code: [Select]
Typically Workflow:
1) create a local branch named "xy"
Code: [Select] 2) switch to that branch
Code: [Select] 3) work on a fix / feature and commit to that branch
4) merge in changes from the team repo
Code: [Select] 5) push the finished branch (and the updated master, if there are updates from upstream) to my remote (origin)
6) send a pull request via github (there's a button once you've uploaded a branch)
7) Merge the pull request (team account)
I use Netbeans with gitbash and the only thing to do via git shell is the init setup (git remote add....) and the rebase
Code: [Select] Everything else is covered by Netbeans gui.
related to 4). I've never worked with stash .. What I did in the past: copied the modified files to somewhere else, created a branch and moved the files back to that branch, commited the changes.
This is what I did with the openImporter (and other projects):
1) created a team account (openimporter) and a repo for the files (named openImoprter, too).
2) Forked the repo with my personal account.
3) Cloned it locally.
4) added the team account repo as upstream
git remote add upstream https://github.com/OpenImporter/openimporter.git
Typically Workflow:
1) create a local branch named "xy"
git branch xy master
git checkout xy
4) merge in changes from the team repo
git pull --rebase upstream master
6) send a pull request via github (there's a button once you've uploaded a branch)
7) Merge the pull request (team account)
I use Netbeans with gitbash and the only thing to do via git shell is the init setup (git remote add....) and the rebase
git pull --rebase upstream master
related to 4). I've never worked with stash .. What I did in the past: copied the modified files to somewhere else, created a branch and moved the files back to that branch, commited the changes.
Off-topic / Re: git hiccups
« on October 22nd, 2013, 10:57 AM »I sent in that very patch in 2010. That is my only contribution worth porting to SMF.
I can recommend Netbeans / gitbash combination.
You can do almost all things via GUI in Netbeans except the git pull -- rebase (maybe it's possible but I haven't figured how to do it).
Off-topic / Re: git hiccups
« on October 22nd, 2013, 09:53 AM »
Just wanted to make sure Arantor isn't blamed for something he isn't responsible for...
Fact is:
This commit by Arantor:
reverts this commit by Live627:
Live627 should tell us his version..
Fact is:
This commit by Arantor:
reverts this commit by Live627:
Live627 should tell us his version..