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Off-topic / Re: Notification counter
Sabre « on August 17th, 2015, 08:52 AM »
Quote from CerealGuy on August 12th, 2015, 01:09 PM
Sure that's possible, but in my opinion it looks quite bad.
For example you could define this css rule: "span .notevoid{ display:none;}"
.notevoid is used when there are no "new" notifications (button color is grey).
However if you have highly customized skin, it maybe looks nice :eheheh:.
Thanks mate. :cool:
I totally overlooked .notevoid as I thought there may be an edit in the source files like the error one which could be applied.
Quote from Drunken Clam on August 12th, 2015, 03:11 PM
If you actually click on the notification or message it then marks it as read and does not show the number. :cool:
Thanks mate :cool:
Yeah I know, I just didn't need the empty notification to be displayed all of the time.
I'd prefer it to display only when there is a need for it. ie: notification.
Cheers :thanks:
Off-topic / Re: Skin edits
Sabre « on August 14th, 2015, 06:45 AM »
Had another go, and still couldn't get them to line up, but got them to overlap and just put a z-index on the form.
Thanks champ :cool:
Off-topic / Re: Skin edits
Sabre « on August 13th, 2015, 05:06 AM »
Quote from CerealGuy on August 12th, 2015, 01:14 PM
I never moved something around in a skin, but it should be possible with skeleton.xml. Have a look at wedge/core/skins/Warm/skeleton.xml.
Thanks buddy :cool:
Yeah I tried to move it via the skeleton, but it wouldn't take, so thought there must be another way to do it.
I'll have another go at it tonight.
Cheers 8-)
Off-topic / A+
Sabre « on August 11th, 2015, 09:41 AM »
So I've now tried n tested other forks out there, and have generally just been trying to catchup on Years of changes around SMF.
I've found Wedge to be quite Superior to those out there, with Elkarte coming in strong at second in my opinion.
I like how Elkarte was built rather close to SMF, and the few changes are quite manageable, with fantastic and intelligent features.
I will still continue to play with that software as it turely is appealing.
But in my Opinion. Wedge is Outstanding!!
It came down to ease of usability, features and it's fantastic flexibility.
I can see how much work has gone into Wedge, and I for one appreciate everybodies effort(s).
I hope to see many people come and experience this gift, and help it grow into the great software it is destined to be.
One question though...
Where the heck are all the DOCS!! hahahaaa ;)
See ya'll around, and feel free to share your GitHub or whatever pages.
Most of what I've 'found' are aged and now built in. Sort of...

It's too quiet around here lately, come back from your siesta and lets 'Grow Together' :cool:
Cheers :thanks:
Support / [Aeva] Re: Need help implementing Soundcloud
Sabre « on August 11th, 2015, 10:00 AM »
How'd you go with this buddy?
Did you get it working?

Cheers :thanks:
Off-topic / A+
Sabre « on August 11th, 2015, 09:41 AM »
So I've now tried n tested other forks out there, and have generally just been trying to catchup on Years of changes around SMF.
I've found Wedge to be quite Superior to those out there, with Elkarte coming in strong at second in my opinion.
I like how Elkarte was built rather close to SMF, and the few changes are quite manageable, with fantastic and intelligent features.
I will still continue to play with that software as it turely is appealing.
But in my Opinion. Wedge is Outstanding!!
It came down to ease of usability, features and it's fantastic flexibility.
I can see how much work has gone into Wedge, and I for one appreciate everybodies effort(s).
I hope to see many people come and experience this gift, and help it grow into the great software it is destined to be.
One question though...
Where the heck are all the DOCS!! hahahaaa ;)
See ya'll around, and feel free to share your GitHub or whatever pages.
Most of what I've 'found' are aged and now built in. Sort of...

It's too quiet around here lately, come back from your siesta and lets 'Grow Together' :cool:
Cheers :thanks:
Other software / Re: Arantor back on SMF Team!
Sabre « on July 23rd, 2015, 07:43 AM »
Forgive my language errors :whistle:
English is my third spoken :rbzz:
Other software / Re: Arantor back on SMF Team!
Sabre « on July 23rd, 2015, 07:41 AM »
Now that I've slightly caught up on all of this, I'm kind of disappointed that I had...
I've been away from 'forum' software for Years, so have missed on the growth of Wedge.
But I do remember its conception, the reasons behind it, the drama which gave it life.
I remember the Dream, the Determination and Drive of 2 of SMFs talented contributors.
I also remember those which shared the same dream, both public and private.
It was an Exciting time, in which my 'Personal Text' under my avy never stood any truer.

This thread is quite a sad read imo.
But atleast it's honest in some respect...

I can understand Pete's wanting to be true to himself, and I can understand Rene's hurt. Even though he's staunch to hold it in light regard.

Good mates Always have disagreements, that's one of the luxuries of being mates, because mates Know each others strengths and weaknesses and can accept both.
I can keep on with my thoughts, but they aren't really necessary, as I don't know either of you intimate enough to be too opinionated.

I hope all comes right, or is right with you both, Just take a look at Your creation!! :cool: and those which have spawned from it.

Great work guys, and to all of the other contributors. :+1:

Sabre :thanks:
Plugins / Re: Documentation for plugin authors
Sabre « on July 24th, 2015, 01:10 PM »
Thank you buddy :cool:
I've noticed there is not alot of Q&A threads, posts and documentation around, which I believe is a benefit to any software, for those that are thinking of using it will see similar queries to their own, and feel it's less daunting.
Unless we are only aiming toward the technically adept, and not 'the average Joe Blow', thus limiting the audience and the wide spread of the software.
I haven't looked into the code in depth as of yet, just combing the site for any knowledge on structure, hooks etc etc...
Information on these are Very limited, but what is around is Very resourceful.
I've read the majority of your posts in regards to Q&A's, and others posts aswell, they've been Very helpful.
I'm intending on being active here, as well as SMF and others until life's realities draw me away.
So if it's permitted, I will be flooding the fora with plenty of questions! :lol: ;) All to simplify the directness of the program of course :)
Ok, I won't draw too much time in this section, as it isn't relevant to the thread.

Thanks again mate :+1:

Plugins / Re: Documentation for plugin authors
Sabre « on July 24th, 2015, 01:10 PM »
Thank you buddy :cool:
I've noticed there is not alot of Q&A threads, posts and documentation around, which I believe is a benefit to any software, for those that are thinking of using it will see similar queries to their own, and feel it's less daunting.
Unless we are only aiming toward the technically adept, and not 'the average Joe Blow', thus limiting the audience and the wide spread of the software.
I haven't looked into the code in depth as of yet, just combing the site for any knowledge on structure, hooks etc etc...
Information on these are Very limited, but what is around is Very resourceful.
I've read the majority of your posts in regards to Q&A's, and others posts aswell, they've been Very helpful.
I'm intending on being active here, as well as SMF and others until life's realities draw me away.
So if it's permitted, I will be flooding the fora with plenty of questions! :lol: ;) All to simplify the directness of the program of course :)
Ok, I won't draw too much time in this section, as it isn't relevant to the thread.

Thanks again mate :+1: