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Topics - NonSecwitter
Off-topic / WTF
« on February 24th, 2014, 07:40 PM »
How does this happen?


Better... how do I fix it. I can't even see it through explorer, nor can I delete the parent directory. I can't delete it or the parent directory or rename the folder through CMD.

Archived fixes / Database Error: Got error 22
« on February 24th, 2014, 03:08 AM »
I was messing around with my test installation and after modifying the "General Discussion" board type to "Blog" i tried to go back to the home page as admin and received the error message

Database Error: Got error 22 from storage engine
File: %WWWDir%\gz\app\Subs-BoardIndex.php
Line: 69

I then tried to access the "General Discussion" blog from as a user and the error log turned up

Database Error: Incorrect key file for table '.\wedge\wedge_log_boards.MYI'; try to repair it
File: %WWWDir%\gz\app\MessageIndex.php
Line: 119

I used the "Back" link under the message and clicked the board again and got this message:

Database Error: Duplicate entry '4-1' for key 'PRIMARY'
File: %WWWDir%\gz\app\MessageIndex.php
Line: 119
The Pub / Suitability
« on February 19th, 2014, 08:06 PM »
Greetings all,
Congratulations to @Nao on the deployment of wedge.

How does wedge lend itself to content management? I am volunteering at a domestic violence shelter and they are looking for a more dynamic web experience that still facilitates the information for the public while providing forums and news feeds for employees and volunteers. Would wedge be able to provide that? The website has all the information that needs to be public.

I cosidered Joomla, but iam a routing switching guy by trade, and i hear Joomla is so complex that it would be difficult to pass the torch to a non-technical person for management.

The Pub / OpenID
« on December 30th, 2011, 11:10 PM »
I searched for this and didn't find the answer... although maybe it is somewhere...

Will Wedge have OpenID login enabled by default or built into the core?

Features / Register by invitation only
« on November 27th, 2011, 05:31 AM »
Hey folks,
I was browsing through mods for SMF and found an outdated mod that seemed like an interesting way to ensure only legitimate users are being registered. That is to only allow registration by invite. I realize this may cause the forum to grow slowly, but It seems like an interesting option for those forum communities that are okay with that.