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Messages - Alex L
Support / Re: How best to involve the Cookie Bar
« on September 17th, 2015, 06:44 AM »
Quote from Nao on September 13th, 2015, 03:04 PM
It can all be done with non-destructive code (i.e., code that you add to a custom file in the skins folder, and that will not be rewritten everytime you update your forum files.)

However, I'd be curious to know why this is 'required' for you..?
I know that Europe in general has a directive about something like that, but it's more of a strong recommendation than a law or anything, AFAIK. I certainly never received an e-mail from anyone telling me about this. :P
Yes, so I got an email from Google and Google says that if you use Google products like AdSense, Analytics and Social Media Buttons, you need a cookie bar on a Web page. This is a shame, but I see more and more sites these cookie bar.

I try it with me everywhere enforce what will take. But otherwise, yes, there is still no German law, which would require the Cookie Bar.
Support / Re: Is there the blog for Wedge
« on September 13th, 2015, 11:49 PM »
The blog feature has Wedge still as I can see in my recent installation. That's good, because I had always been interested to join a board with blogging and Wedge it seems to be possible. Thanks for that.
Support / Re: Remove NoFollow attribute from the Wedge Forum
« on September 13th, 2015, 07:13 PM »
OK, Thanks for your answer ...
Support / How best to involve the Cookie Bar
« on September 10th, 2015, 04:38 PM »
Hello Community,

I've got a problem and although would like to include in my Wedge board an EU Cookie Bar that will need because I want to use the forum Google.

The code for the Cookie Bar is as follows:

Code: [Select]
<! - Begin Cookie Consent plugin by Silktide - ->
<script type = "text / javascript">
    window.cookieconsent_options = {"message": "This forum uses cookies to offer you a better browsing experience please let it out this small and very dangerous files can you and your PC Make no harm Learn more in the privacy policy... by me "," Dismiss. ":" Allow "," Learn More ":" More Info "," link ":" "," theme "," dark-floating "};
</ script>

<script type = "text / javascript" src = "//"> </ script>
<! - End Cookie Consent plugin ->

This code must be included under the final <head> tag.

But if I do, an error message appears in the frontend. I have included it in the backend under Skins-editing in the index.template.php file. There but not expanded. The place in the code of index.tepmplate.php looks like this.

Code: [Select]
// The main block above the content.
template_html_before function ()
        global $ context, $ txt, $ settings, $ topic;

        // Declare our HTML5 doctype, and Whether to show right to left.
        // The charset is already specified in the headers so it may be omitted,
        // But the specs recommend leaving them in, if the document is viewed offline.
        echo '<! DOCTYPE html>
<html ', $ context [' right_to_left ']? 'Dir = "RTL"': ''!, Empty ($ txt ['lang_dictionary'])? 'Lang = "'.. $ Txt ['lang_dictionary'] '' ':' ','>
<head> ', empty ($ topic)? '': '
        <meta charset = "utf-8"> ';

        // Our all-time favorites do not really like HTML5 ...
        if (we :: is ('ie8down'))
                echo '
        <script src = "//"> </ script> ';

        echo theme_base_css () '
        <! - Powered by Wedge, © R.-G. Deberdt - ->
        <title> ', $ context [' page_title_html_safe '],! empty ($ context [' page_indicator '])? $ context ['page_indicator']: '', '</ title>';

        // If the Forum is in a sub-folder, it needs to Explicitly set a favicon URL.
        if (strpos (str_replace (': //', '', ROOT), '/') == false!)
                echo '
        <link rel = "shortcut icon" href = "', ROOT,' /favicon.ico" type = "image /"> ';

        // Present a canonical URL for search engines to prevent duplicate content in Their indices.
        if (! empty ($ context ['canonical_url']))
                echo '
        <link rel = "canonical" href = "', $ context [' canonical_url '],'"> ';

        // Show all the relative links: such as search.
        if (! empty ($ context ['allow_search']))
                echo '
        <link rel = "search" href = "<URL> action = search?"> ';

        // If feeds are enabled to advertise the presence of one.
        if (! empty ($ settings ['xmlnews_enable']) && (! empty ($ settings ['allow_guestAccess']) || we :: $ is_member))
                echo '
        <link rel = "alternate" href = "? <URL> action = feed" type = "application / atom + xml" title = "", $ context ['forum_name_html_safe'], '">';

        // If we're viewing a topic, We Should link to the previous and next pages, respectively. Search engines like this.
        if (empty ($ context ['robot_no_index']))
                if (! empty ($ context ['left'] ['prev']))
                        echo '
        <link rel = "prev" href = "', $ context [' left '] [' prev '],'"> ';
                if (! empty ($ context ['links'] ['next']))
                        echo '
        <link rel = "next" href = "', $ context [' links'] ['next'], '">';


        if (! we :: is ('opera [11-], ie [10]'))
                echo '
        <meta name = "viewport" content = "width = device-width, initial-scale = 1, maximum-scale = 2, minimum-scale = 0.7"> ';

        if (! empty ($ context ['meta_description']))
                echo '
        <meta name = "description" content = "", $ context ['meta_description'], '">';

        // Please do not index thesis Mr Robotto.
        if (! empty ($ context ['robot_no_index']))
                echo '
        <meta name = "robots" content = "noindex"> ';

        if (isset ($ _ SESSION ['session_var'], $ _ GET [$ _ SESSION ['session_var']]))
                echo '
        <meta name = "referrer" content = "origin"> ';

        echo '

</ head> ';

How can I do that best? Thank you in advance.
Support / Re: Create a static page for Imprint
« on September 10th, 2015, 03:59 PM »
Yes, it would be nice to have these links in the menu. But ok, so it's all good. And unfortunately I can not write plugins and have now left the "Contacts" and "Privacy Policy" included in the footer. It is important for me that the links can be found on each Forum page. So it wants the German law :-)
Support / Re: Create a static page for Imprint
« on September 10th, 2015, 03:09 PM »
Yes, thank you, it works. You've done all the work :)

This custom.php so I can create additional sites such as the Privacy Policy and About-Me page. That's very good.
Support / Re: Create a static page for Imprint
« on September 10th, 2015, 02:50 PM »
OK thank you! That helped, and now here's this Page: ->

But how does one get into CSS to make it look like the Forum itself. You have in the file upload custom.php CSS, but what can you do in PHP?
Support / Re: Create a static page for Imprint
« on September 10th, 2015, 02:35 AM »
Hello there,
I first created the file custom.php and uploaded to the root directory. Since I wanted to call them in the browser, but to me this error.

Code: [Select]
Fatal error: Call to undefined function template_header () in line 12 on /www/htdocs/xxxxxxxx/forum/custom.php

The content of this file looks like this:

Code: [Select]
//Set the banning active
$ssi_ban true;

//Path to SSI.php
require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/core/SSI.php');

//Page title. This will appear in the browser
$context['page_title_html_safe'] = 'Custom Page';

//This is self explanatory

//Here we define the link tree
$context['linktree'] = array(
'href' => $scripturl,

//Here is the content, such as the title and the body message of the custom page.

                        <span class="clear upperframe"><span></span></span>
                        <div class="roundframe"><div class="innerframe">'
                        <div class="cat_bar">
                        <h3 class="catbg">Hello everyone</h3>
                    <p>This is a custom page example. pretty cool, huh.</p>'
                  <span class="lowerframe"><span></span></span>'

//This is self explanatory too.


How can I solve the problem? Can you maybe help me, otherwise I also think that it is possible to create a static page even with Wedge after SMF method. That would be very good.
Support / Re: Remove NoFollow attribute from the Wedge Forum
« on September 8th, 2015, 04:40 PM »
Many thanks for your response. Then I can get along like that. This is so not a problem, I think.
Support / Remove NoFollow attribute from the Wedge Forum
« on September 7th, 2015, 05:19 PM »
Hello Community,

I wanted to know how you can remove the nofollow attribute from the Wedge Forum. This does not contribute to the search engine optimization and since my Forum has an internal character, are the links that I add, rather harmless and I can put them with a clear conscience.

How can I remove nofollow?

Thank you in advance.
Support / Create a static page for Imprint
« on September 7th, 2015, 04:57 PM »
Hello Community,
I wanted to ask, how to implement a static page for my imprint at Wedge Forum?

If there were for a plugin or how can I implement a page like this?

Thank you in advance.
Support / Re: Recent Forum Topics in Board Index
« on September 6th, 2015, 10:50 PM »
Cool, vielen Dank, habe es gerade gefunden. Das sieht gut aus und nun habe ich mein Forum, so wie ich es haben wollte :)
Support / Re: Is there the blog for Wedge
« on September 6th, 2015, 10:47 PM »
Thank you, now I found this option and have a forum like a blog. I wanted to have and now everything works.
Support / Recent Forum Topics in Board Index
« on September 6th, 2015, 05:13 PM »
Hello Community,

 I'm still a novice with Wedge and would like to know how you can leave on the last Forum Topics on Forum Home Show. I want to have it so, as here in the forum.

 Is there a plugin? Thank you in advance.
Support / Re: Is there the blog for Wedge
« on September 6th, 2015, 04:56 PM »
Yes, this blog. How do you realize when in the Forum? A plugin for I do not know unfortunately.