Messages - NeobeatIKK
Off-topic / Re: Same user data in multiple databases.
« on May 23rd, 2012, 10:53 PM »
I imagined it is more difficult than it sounds :P

Thanks for your response.
Off-topic / Same user data in multiple databases.
« on May 23rd, 2012, 09:44 PM »
I have a question:

Is it possible to have multiple forums and share the user data?, let me explain,

I have a forum right now, and I offered a friend to install another forum in a subdomain on my server, but our forums have similar content. So, I could be great if one user registers in one forum and immediately can log in the other forum.

I have total access to SQL and phpMyAdmin in my server, is it possible to achieve?.
Any risk of destroying the database?.
Features / Re: Aeme features ideas.
« on May 19th, 2012, 06:33 PM »
Quote from Nao on May 19th, 2012, 05:34 PM
A temporary workaround would also be to show in the album homepage a list of the most recent comments for any items within the album. At least, that could be implemented right now... It doesn't solve the "where do I post if I don't want to comment on anything special?" issue, though...
That's a very nice idea too, and yes that was my problem... When my users needed to comment about the entire album they had to comment in the first album item. But the recent comments view should work well too.
Features / Re: Aeme features.
« on May 19th, 2012, 05:14 AM »
Ok, In my actual forum I have Media with a lot of videogame content, when I upload a photo album (Guilty Gear for a real example) I know a lot of these items share the same tags (Guilty Gear, Dreamcast, Fighting, gaming, videogames, weapons), and if when some items need more explicit tags (for characters and other things) I would only need to add a few tags (Ky, Sol... character names or scenarios.)
Most of cases you don't need to edit tags item by item.

As for the album comment, if you want to say "wow I love this artbook", you can't say that it in the first item, it would be more accurate to have it an album comment.

I'm not saying you have to implement those ideas (I don't have that right,) but it would be nice to see them in the latest version of Aeme for a chance. :)
Features / Re: Aeme features.
« on May 19th, 2012, 04:39 AM »
Sorry I didn't give examples to figure it out.

Well, you upload a bunch of "party photos" from last night, let's say 40 (random number) photos, you know a lot of these photos will share a lot of tags. If these items can inherit tags from its album, you can refine and edit the necessary tags for each photo, it would be nice.

As for the album comments, well is pretty the same idea, if a user don't want to comment in the first item to comment about the entire album or giving an overall comment, that's the album comments for.

I think those would be the benefits... Still, they can be used for more purposes.
Features / Aeme features ideas.
« on May 19th, 2012, 12:28 AM »
I have a few ideas to improve Aeme:

It would be nice if:
- Albums can have tags, and items inherit the album tags. That way you don't have to tag each item.
- Albums can have comments at the end. Just like items.
Off-topic / Re: Album: Things and things.
« on May 18th, 2012, 11:40 PM »
Aww... sorry, I was testing if it create a comment view like the ones at the items...
Off-topic / Album: Things and things.
« on May 18th, 2012, 11:31 PM »
(No items to show)
Features / Re: gallery from the admin pov
« on May 18th, 2012, 11:28 PM »
POV?, sounds more like "user view"... I don't want to say the other option lol.
Features / Re: Action buttons: positioning
« on May 18th, 2012, 07:59 PM »
What if the topic starter have a check button with "No edit" except for the topic starter (or the first post), that way people can't edit their posts within a time limit.
Features / Re: Action buttons: positioning
« on May 18th, 2012, 07:51 PM »
Yeah, even when nothing is wrong I edit some parts of a large post to make it look better.
Features / Re: Action buttons: positioning
« on May 18th, 2012, 07:42 PM »
Function buttons always are meant to people who know how to use them, I'm always struggling in my forum with the newbies teaching them and making tutorials on how to use Report button, posting, navigating AeMe. Whatever, I got Off-Topic lol.

Personally I like to have all actions in one place. Edit, quick edit, report should be in the More menu.
Features: Upcoming / Re: Private tag
« on May 18th, 2012, 07:27 PM »
Quote from Nao on May 11th, 2011, 12:18 PM
You can specify a list of user IDs. Otherwise it'll be visible only to your friends list.
I think one friend list is not enough, there should be more friend lists. So in your plugin idea you can select a friend list, rather than all your friends in the list.
Other software / Re: Aeva Blog
« on May 15th, 2012, 10:51 PM »
People really need to read more nowadays huh, even english is not my "main language" I can fully understand the post or whatsoever people write in this forum, and that includes no support for SMF.

Actually, I do have a SMF2.0 installed on my server, but seeing all the benefits and functions of Wedge, I think the wait will be worth.

Besides, AeMe is the, without a doubt, best gallery software in the internet, I can barely see a problem with it but details.
Features / Re: Action buttons: positioning
« on May 6th, 2012, 01:28 AM »
I would suggest a "Silent Like" in a way that this action doesn't make a page reload. For example, an user can hit the Like button (or link) but it won't refresh the entire page till a "manual" refresh, in simple terms, don't refresh automatically when hit the like button.

Could be a good idea, similar to the thought behavior.