Features / [Poll] Re: Board status icons: what's the point?
« on March 30th, 2014, 04:36 PM »
Maybe my message sounded more harsh than I meant it to do.
It wasn't meant to attack you, only telling I feel lost looking at a list of boards and no sign where there are new posts. I tried to imagine what the effect would be before submitting to the poll. Now after the implementation it it really hit me and I don't like it.
I didn't get into a discussion because I am not familiar enough with all the terminology and technology involved with the software.
I even had to read your message multiple times to be sure I did understand before voting.Quote from Nao on March 30th, 2014, 10:59 AM That's an unfounded conclusion. As I already told you I am not familiar with terminology and programming stuff and lately many discussions are technical and I can hardly participate in those.
It wasn't meant to attack you, only telling I feel lost looking at a list of boards and no sign where there are new posts. I tried to imagine what the effect would be before submitting to the poll. Now after the implementation it it really hit me and I don't like it.
I didn't get into a discussion because I am not familiar enough with all the terminology and technology involved with the software.
I even had to read your message multiple times to be sure I did understand before voting.
Judging from your lack of participation after Pete left, I'd say you've been thinking that since that day.
Features / [Poll] Re: Board status icons: what's the point?
« on March 29th, 2014, 10:19 PM »
With the removal of the "unread posts in this board" you destroyed the useabillity of the software.
Using the "unread posts" is extra work and you jump in a unlogical manner through the topics and posts.
Wedge just lost a big part of his value. At least for me.
Using the "unread posts" is extra work and you jump in a unlogical manner through the topics and posts.
Wedge just lost a big part of his value. At least for me.
Archived fixes / [Wilde] Re: Rounded cornes disappeared
« on March 17th, 2014, 10:53 AM »
IE11 in Windows 8.1
Off-topic / Re: Happy Holidays !
« on December 23rd, 2013, 11:01 AM »
A merry Christmas and all the best for 2014.
Archived fixes / Re: Jumpy layout.
« on October 22nd, 2013, 12:22 AM »
Back in all skins except Warm with IE11 on Windows 8.1
The Pub / Re: Infinite Scroll
« on September 28th, 2013, 10:57 PM »
Infinite scrolling looks real nice, but the difference between the present version and the one just loading the next page on further scrolling is visible for a second or so.
I am plugin author, but if even you the developer has problems making and keeping everything work correctly then to me that is a sign that it's probably best to ditch it.
I am plugin author, but if even you the developer has problems making and keeping everything work correctly then to me that is a sign that it's probably best to ditch it.
Other software / Re: Arguments about the credits
« on August 16th, 2013, 12:50 PM »
I make a distinction between the people that made the software and people that worked on the project.
Therefore I think that foremost in the credits page inside the software those people should be mentioned that worked on the software package.
That is: the developers and software contributors.
I'm not sure about translators. Surely, they contributed to the software package, but I don't believe in given credits to a person that translated to, lets say French, while in the installed software only English is used.
Credits for a language file is probably best given inside the language file.
There could be a second part where the people that are and where involved in the SMF project get credits.
Personally I believe it's better to keep this part on the simple machines website and put a few lines in the credits page that states that there are and where many more people involved in the total project and put a link to that credits page on the Simple Machines website.
This way the credits page stay's small, on SM there is enough room to mention everybody and everything and it can easily be kept up to date.
I hope that despite my poor knowledge of English my story/idea is clear.
Therefore I think that foremost in the credits page inside the software those people should be mentioned that worked on the software package.
That is: the developers and software contributors.
I'm not sure about translators. Surely, they contributed to the software package, but I don't believe in given credits to a person that translated to, lets say French, while in the installed software only English is used.
Credits for a language file is probably best given inside the language file.
There could be a second part where the people that are and where involved in the SMF project get credits.
Personally I believe it's better to keep this part on the simple machines website and put a few lines in the credits page that states that there are and where many more people involved in the total project and put a link to that credits page on the Simple Machines website.
This way the credits page stay's small, on SM there is enough room to mention everybody and everything and it can easily be kept up to date.
I hope that despite my poor knowledge of English my story/idea is clear.
Features / Re: More sidebar complications...
« on July 19th, 2013, 10:44 AM »
It's working perfect now on the S3 stock browser.
I ran the OS X image running in VMWare to find out if a Apple computer with OS X would be something for me, before spending a lot of money.
It's ok, just not for me. I stick to Windows.
Sorry Apple.
I ran the OS X image running in VMWare to find out if a Apple computer with OS X would be something for me, before spending a lot of money.
It's ok, just not for me. I stick to Windows.
Sorry Apple.
Features / Re: More sidebar complications...
« on July 18th, 2013, 11:12 PM »
My iPad 1 is running the latest IOS version which is 5.1.1
Because your remark I decided to retest on my S3.
Every time I wanted to click the (small) sidebar button, the arrow which opens and closes the top window (sorry but I am not very familiar with the English names of all the screen parts) got selected.
After trying and trying it would work ± 1 out of 15 times. I have very thick fingers :eheh:
Finally I discovered that if I would scroll a bit so that the arrow would be out of sight I still had the sidebar button which by then was free and easy clickable.
Because your remark I decided to retest on my S3.
Every time I wanted to click the (small) sidebar button, the arrow which opens and closes the top window (sorry but I am not very familiar with the English names of all the screen parts) got selected.
After trying and trying it would work ± 1 out of 15 times. I have very thick fingers :eheh:
Finally I discovered that if I would scroll a bit so that the arrow would be out of sight I still had the sidebar button which by then was free and easy clickable.
Features / Re: More sidebar complications...
« on July 18th, 2013, 10:58 AM »
I tried OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion in VMware workstation. It should also work in VMware Player.
Works good as far as I can tell.
Maybe a bit slow, but I don't mind for test purposes.
OS X can officially only run on VMWare Fusion.
Some guys made work arounds to run in other virtual machines including Virtual Box.
I used a VMWare image (complete with Darwin.iso) I found on the internet.
So I downloaded the image, fired up VMWare and started OS X.
Works good as far as I can tell.
Maybe a bit slow, but I don't mind for test purposes.
OS X can officially only run on VMWare Fusion.
Some guys made work arounds to run in other virtual machines including Virtual Box.
I used a VMWare image (complete with Darwin.iso) I found on the internet.
So I downloaded the image, fired up VMWare and started OS X.
Features / Re: More sidebar complications...
« on July 18th, 2013, 01:52 AM »
iPad 1: 1024 x 768
Browser: Safari
Portrait: sidebar visible
Landscape: sidebar invisible, must scroll horizontally to see, no sidebar button
Samsung Galaxy S3
Browser: Stock
Portrait: no sidebar, part of button upper right but not selectable
Landscape: no sidebar, part of button upper right but not selectable
No sidebar, no menu on top so not even possible to login etc.
You could, for test purposes, run Apple OS X in a virtual machine on your Windows computer.
Enough info on the internet. With some searching even complete images for virtual machines.
Browser: Safari
Portrait: sidebar visible
Landscape: sidebar invisible, must scroll horizontally to see, no sidebar button
Samsung Galaxy S3
Browser: Stock
Portrait: no sidebar, part of button upper right but not selectable
Landscape: no sidebar, part of button upper right but not selectable
No sidebar, no menu on top so not even possible to login etc.
You could, for test purposes, run Apple OS X in a virtual machine on your Windows computer.
Enough info on the internet. With some searching even complete images for virtual machines.
Off-topic / Re: What type of programmer are you?
« on June 17th, 2013, 05:31 PM »
Arantors version of the three laws by Isaac Asimov. :eheh:
By the way there are 4 laws. Asimov defined a fourth one called zeroth law.
By the way there are 4 laws. Asimov defined a fourth one called zeroth law.
Off-topic / Re: In Addition to Post Count - Power Ranking?
« on June 6th, 2013, 01:49 PM »
How useful is post / topic count?
I guess it comes down to what you want with your forum. High post en topic count in general, or meaningful discussions and help.
E.g. on our forum about UPC we are running a word game, just for fun, and there are members with thousands of post, but all of them in that word game topic. Nice for the overall statistics of the forum but the high post count of such a member hardly says anything about the value of the member in relation with the goal of the forum only how active he is.
Writing that.
I know that in SMF post in the trashcan aren't counted, but is there a setting to prevent post count for boards / topics of your choice? [1]
If not, that would be a nice feature to implement.
Stupid idea.
What if post count would be shown per member per board?
E.g. If I am reading in "FAQ" and the post count of a member shows how many post the member made in "FAQ", if I am reading in "Bug Reports" the post count of that same member shows how many post he made in "Bug Reports".
It would make very clear how active that member is in a particular board. It says something about his interest in the subject of the board.
In his profile it would still show his total number of posts.
Probably a nightmare to program but he I said it was a stupid idea. :eheh:
I guess it comes down to what you want with your forum. High post en topic count in general, or meaningful discussions and help.
E.g. on our forum about UPC we are running a word game, just for fun, and there are members with thousands of post, but all of them in that word game topic. Nice for the overall statistics of the forum but the high post count of such a member hardly says anything about the value of the member in relation with the goal of the forum only how active he is.
Writing that.
I know that in SMF post in the trashcan aren't counted, but is there a setting to prevent post count for boards / topics of your choice? [1]
If not, that would be a nice feature to implement.
Stupid idea.
What if post count would be shown per member per board?
E.g. If I am reading in "FAQ" and the post count of a member shows how many post the member made in "FAQ", if I am reading in "Bug Reports" the post count of that same member shows how many post he made in "Bug Reports".
It would make very clear how active that member is in a particular board. It says something about his interest in the subject of the board.
In his profile it would still show his total number of posts.
Probably a nightmare to program but he I said it was a stupid idea. :eheh:
1. | Sorry if this sounds stupid, but I am just a global moderator and not very familiar with the admin panel of SMF. |