Document: Aeva Media 2.10
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Aeva Media 2.04 Aeva Media 2.10
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February 10th, 2014, 01:46 PM
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The final version!
Make sure to install (then uninstall) version 2.04 before you install it!
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Comment #1 - Posted July 6th, 2014, 01:07 AM
I paid for a license in hopes version 2.10 would work and I wouldn't have problems, but I did:
Database Error
Invalid default value for 'transparency'
File: /xxx/yyy/public_html/zzz/forum/Packages/temp/db_aeva.php
Line: 955

Note: It appears that your database may require an upgrade. Your forum's files are currently at version SMF 1.1.19, while your database is at version 1.1.12. The above error might possibly go away if you execute the latest version of upgrade.php.
I've read somewhere else I should install version 2.04 first, then uninstall it, then install 2.10. 

I can't find previous versions.... where can I download 2.04 to try this?

Or.... any other ideas about what went wrong?   My site is running SMF 1.1.19, and I don't believe I've had any problems during each of the upgrades so I think the database is actually upgraded, but I'm not sure how to check that.


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Comment #2 - Posted January 5th, 2015, 01:08 AM
I had a simlar error and I did the upgrade but still the transparency error perists plus a lot of other errors with the package.

screenshots here:



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Comment #3 - Posted February 9th, 2015, 11:50 PM
This error occurs if you currently have a version < 2.0 installed, and you're upgrading to the latest Aeva Media 2. The solution is to uninstall, install v2.04, then uninstall and install v2.10.

I never came around to fix it, sorry. Also, I don't have v2.04 around... Maybe someone else could share it..?
Alternatively, it can be fixed by modifying the database manually, but I'm not 100% sure what the change would be -- I haven't touched this in 4 years and only selling a few copies a year by now.

I believe it's in smf_aeva_files, and the transparency field is enum('transparent', 'opaque') for you, and it should instead be enum('', 'transparent', 'opaque') (notice the extra empty element at the beginning), so that it accepts empty entries. Just change it through phpMyAdmin and tell me if it worked... (By PM, preferably!)


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Comment #4 - Posted February 14th, 2015, 01:14 PM
I bought the aeva media today and I don't have 2.04. I have 1.14w. I did not look at the forum posts. Did I waste my money?


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Comment #5 - Posted February 14th, 2015, 06:39 PM
 I Hope some body lends their 2.0.4 to Nao and he in turn uploads in the website to help us. I feel sad he left SMF.


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Comment #6 - Posted July 17th, 2015, 09:08 AM
I have had 1.4w installed for a long time and just joined the noisen forum, to be directed here, to purchase Avea 2.10, which I just did.

I am going to have issues if I don't have 2.04 installed first and yet 2.04 is not provided for me to do this? Am I understanding this right?


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Comment #7 - Posted March 13th, 2016, 02:14 PM
Is there any chance that you will publish updated versions of the AeMe 2.10 files which fix the Youtube issue as you did promise in your post at

I bought Aeva Media 2.10 for SMF today hoping that the fixed files would be on board, but this obviously isn't the case. As I wasn't able to repair the issue with your diff patches it's not possible for me to embed Youtube FIles in SMF...



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Comment #8 - Posted March 27th, 2016, 07:51 PM
I bought Aeva Media 2.10 for SMF today hoping that the fixed files would be on board, but this obviously isn't the case. As I wasn't able to repair the issue with your diff patches it's not possible for me to embed Youtube FIles in SMF...
The patch does not work well with me :(